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Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning – Good Tips in 2021.
Celery juice is a good way to start your morning. It tastes great and has many benefits, from improving digestion to boosting your immune system! In this article, you will learn how drinking celery juice in the morning can benefit you as well as some tips for making it taste better. Let’s read on!
1. What is Celery juice?
Celery juice is made from celery that has been juiced. This vegetable is often used to add extra flavor to soups and casseroles, but it can also be juiced for drinking on its own or combined with other vegetables in a green smoothie.
2. Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning.
This vegetable contains a lot of nutrients that can promote health and well-being. Some benefits include:
Celery juice is a good source of protein. This gives you the energy to stay focused throughout the morning. It also helps boost your immune system, preparing it for the day’s challenges.
In addition to being high in protein, celery juice also contains healthy carbohydrates. These help keep you full all morning long, preventing unnecessary snacking on unhealthy foods later in the day when blood sugar levels drop too low.
Celery juice is rich in electrolytes, which are important to maintain hydration during summer or after exercising. It can easily be made into a spicy hot drink by adding cayenne pepper and other spices.
Celery juice is a good source of vitamin K, which is known to protect against heart disease. In addition, it contains vitamins B1 and B2. These help prevent memory loss. It also provides antioxidants that can slow down the aging process.
3. How much celery juice should you drink in the morning?
If you are new to drinking this vegetable, be sure to start slowly. Try mixing one cup of celery juice with two cups of water along with a tablespoon of lemon juice for flavor. You can also add a teaspoon or two of honey if your taste buds aren’t used to such strong flavors yet! If possible, buy organic fresh vegetables and use about an inch piece per cup when juicing them at home.
4. Tips for Making Celery Juice Taste Better.
If you find the taste of celery juice to be too strong, try adding more water and lemon juice. You can also mix it with other vegetables like carrots or cucumbers, as both do a good job at masking the flavor of celery on its own. Add some ginger to your drink as well; this will give it some added zest!
If you prefer not to drink your morning cup of celery juice, then add it to a smoothie instead along with fruits such as bananas and blueberries.
For those who need help waking up in the morning, adding a bit of cayenne pepper to your celery juice is an excellent way to start your day. This spice will also help you get your metabolism up and running for the day, turning your drink into a full-on detox juice.
5. Steps by steps on How to make Celery Juice with a Juicer.
Cut celery stalks with the leaves attached into 2-inch pieces, leaving the woody ends of the stalks behind. You can use both parts if desired.
Massage each piece of celery with your hands to bruise it and bring out its juices before adding it to your juicer’s feeder tube with the rest of your vegetables for juicing.
Use the plunger provided on some types of juicers to push more juice out after you are done juicing, especially if you want a creamier juice texture instead of one that’s slightly bubbly or frothy from the air in between ingredients as they are being blended together at high speed by some types of juicers.
Store the juice in a sealed container in your fridge for up to 24 hours.
Drink one cup of celery juice 20 minutes before your two biggest meals of the day to give yourself time to digest it, or add it into a green smoothie with other vegetables and fruits if you do not have time for this…!
6. Steps by steps on How to make Celery Juice with a Blender.
1. Cut celery stalks with the leaves attached into 2-inch pieces, leaving the woody ends of the stalks behind. You can use both parts if desired.
2. Massage each piece of celery with your hands to bruise it and bring out its juices before adding it to your blender’s pitcher along with other vegetables for juicing.
3. Use a plunger or spatula to press against juice after you add all other ingredients, especially if you want a creamier juice texture instead of one that’s slightly bubbly or frothy from the air in between ingredients as they are being blended together at high speed by some types of blenders.
4. Store blended juice in a sealed container in your fridge for up to 24 hours.
5. Drink one cup of celery juice 20 minutes before your two biggest meals of the day to give yourself time to digest it, or add it into a green smoothie with other vegetables and fruits if you do not have time for this…!
Above are benefits of Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning. Now, let see Some Tips and Guides on Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning as below:
Tips and Guides on Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning.
1. Some Tips of Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning.
If you are facing the trouble of not having time in morning or finding it difficult to get up early in the morning, then you can start your day with celery juice. It is better to drink celery juice on empty stomach because it will detoxify your entire system and help to flush out toxins from your body.
Don’t add spices like ginger, garlic or cayenne pepper into celery juice if you want its best taste, however they will give more benefits to the body. If you like spicy flavors, then go for it otherwise don’t add any spices into this juice. You can also consume some fresh fruits along with celery juice which act as a good source of energy without adding too many calories in your diet.
Don’t add too much quantity of celery juice in your diet because it can make you run for the bathroom within short time. Add some little quantities to your daily routine and gradually increase its proportion if you want. If you feel any problem in stomach after drinking this green colored drink, then stop consuming it immediately or else consult with a doctor or health professional.
Above are some Tips of Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning. Now let’s see Some Guides on Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning as below:
2. Some Guidelines on Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning are as follows:
Never use ice cold water while preparing celery juice, hot water is best option to extract vitamins from celery leaves and stalks efficiently.
Never throw the leftover celery leaves after preparing juice, instead drink its water along with other ingredients to get maximum benefits.
Cut off all dirty and woody ends of celery stalks before juicing because they can increase your chances of getting stomach infection.
Always use organic products like celery seeds, fresh ginger and lemon if possible because they will help you in consuming more quantities of this wonderful green drink without any side effects.
Above are some Guidelines on Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning. You can follow them for perfect results as per your convenience and ease:).
3. How to choose good Celery for Juicing?
You can buy celery from local market or buy online from amazon .com. Make sure that it should be firm and dark green in color with fresh leaves. You must avoid buying wilted celery because they will not help you in your health related issues and juice made using them can also cause problems. Above are some of the tips on how to choose good celery for juicing…!
4. Let’s see Some Recipes on How to make Green Drink with Celery as below:
4.1. Celery Apple Juice:
3 stalks of celery.
1 apple.
First cut both the ends of celery and then wash it thoroughly. Now break all the three stalks into pieces. Take one pitcher for this purpose, add clean water in it and then put celery chunks inside it. Add chopped apples to this pitcher and mix them well with the help of spoon. Cover its lid tightly after mixing everything together to get desired results.
NOTE : For best results, drink this juice on an empty stomach in the morning remained all day hydrated by drinking lots of purified water.
4.2. Celery Apple Mint Juice:
2 Apples (opt.).
100 g Celery Leaves.
½ inch Ginger.
1 tbsp. Fresh Mint Leaves.
Just like the above recipe, put all ingredients in a pitcher or jar and mix them thoroughly with help of spoon to get fresh mint flavored juice which you can drink on an empty stomach every morning for best results.
NOTE : For sweet taste, you can add one more apple in this juice before mixing it with other ingredients. If you are adding carrots, then don’t forget to peel off its skin first before juicing. It will provide you extra healthy dose of protein into your diet!
4.3. Celery Pineapple Juice:
1 bunch celery (washed and chopped).
2 cups pineapple (chopped).
1 lime (peeled and deseeded).
4 leaves kale (optional).
Take all ingredients in a high speed blender, add water if needed to blend them smoothly. Now strain this liquid using sieve, squeeze the juice of celery pulp using spoon or hand to get fresh draft of pineapple celery juice…..! Enjoy….!!!
4.4. Celery Carrot Juice:
3 carrots (peeled and chopped).
1 bunch celery (washed and chopped).
2 leaves kale (opt.).
4 stalks parsley (opt.).
Take all ingredients in a high speed blender, add water if needed to blend them smoothly. Now strain this liquid using sieve, squeeze the juice of celery pulp using spoon or hand to get fresh draft of pineapple celery juice. Enjoy!
4.5. Celery Spinach Juice:
1 bunch spinach (cleaned properly).
5 sticks celery (chopped with their leaves intact ).
Just like the above recipe, take clean and fresh ingredients in a high speed blender and add water if neede to blend them smoothly. Then strain this liquid using sieve, season it with pinch of salt and pepper for taste and enjoy its green goodness!
NOTE: You can also use kale or parsley for adding more nutrients to your juice.
4.6. Celery Asparagus Juice:
10 stalks asparagus (washed and chopped).
1 bunch celery (washed and chopped).
Instructions: Just like the above recipe, take clean and fresh ingredients in a high speed blender and add water if neede to blend them smoothly. Now shake well, pour prepared juice into tumbler, garnish it with cucumber slice or celery stick and lemon wedges for adding more taste. Enjoy Asparagus celery juice anytime you want to refresh yourself….!!!
NOTE: You can also add other vegetables such as broccoli to your juice as well….!!
4.7. Celery Kale Juice:
1 bunch kale (washed and chopped).
2 stalks celery (washed and chopped).
Instructions: Just like the above recipe, take clean and fresh ingredients in a high speed blender and add water if need to blend them smoothly. Now shake well, pour prepared juice into tumbler, garnish it with celery sticks or coriander leaves for adding more taste. Enjoy healthy dose of green veggies anytime you like….!!!
NOTE: Kale is one of the most popular leafy green vegetables found on earth. It provides us with nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin C & E, folic acid and iron. So don’t miss to include it in your regular diet….!!!
5. Is drinking celery juice every morning good for you?
Yes, Of course! You can add celery in your daily diet to get all the health benefits that it offers. It contains nutrients like vitamins A, B, C & K as well as minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium. So don’t miss to include it in your daily diet chart.
6. What happens when you drink celery juice every morning?
Some people experience colon cleansing effects of celery juice every morning. It means it helps to cleanse your intestine by removing all the toxic materials accumulated in it due to unhealthy or junk food habits.
7. What happens when you drink celery juice on an empty stomach?
If you drink celery juice every morning on an empty stomach, it will help you to cleanse your stomach and intestine by flushing out all the toxins accumulated in them due to unhealthy food habits….!!!
8. Does drinking celery juice every morning good for your skin?
Yes, Celery is rich in vitamin K which is known as “beauty mineral” and it helps for glowing skin, healthy cells and tissues. It also protects your skin from sun damage.
9. Can you lose weight by drinking celery juice every morning?
Yes, Of course! It is a well known fact that celery juice helps in weight loss as it contains high amount of water and fiber. It makes you feel full for a longer time!
10. Can children drink celery every morning?
Celery is a healthy option for kids as well due to its low calories and provides all the essential minerals and vitamins that kids need for their growth!
11. How to make celery juice?
You can make celery juice by using a juicer or mixer grinder. Apart from this, you can also add it in your smoothies or eat it raw after chopping with carrot sticks.
12. Does celery juice act as diuretic agent?
Yes, Celery is rich in minerals like magnesium and potassium which helps in increasing your urination levels so its great for detoxifying the body!
13. Can I drink celery juice every morning instead of taking medicines?
Of course, You can say no to allopathic medicines and yes to natural remedies like celery juice because it has capability to battle all sorts of diseases and disorders without harming you in any manner!
14. What is the best time of the day to drink celery juice?
You can have it any time of the day, but if you want to lose weight, drink it before lunch or dinner.
Is celery juice good for menstrual cramps?
Yes, It is a perfect home remedy for menstrual cramps as it relaxes your stomach muscles which help in reducing your pain levels.
Can I use fresh or dried celery leaves while making celery juice?
You can also add fresh or dried celery leaves while making this healthy beverage because they both provide almost similar health benefits…!! Since They contain nutrients like vitamin A & C which helps in boosting your immune system.
Are there any side effects of drinking celery juice every morning?
Basically, NO. But if your intake level is beyond limit, it may cause bowel movement which can be harmful in some cases…..!! So Keep a tab on the amount you intake daily!
Can I add black pepper powder in my celery juice?
Yes, You can add black pepper powder in your celery juice because they both accelerate digestion and provide similar health benefits…!! But make sure to drink raw vegetables juices instead of boiled ones as boiling depletes its nutrients (vitamin C) levels!
NOTE: Several people prefer adding salt or sugar but these two ingredients should be avoided especially by those who are suffering from high blood pressure.
How many type of Celery are there in market now?
Basically, There are two types of celery available in the market now. One is known as “BEL PAESE” and another one is called as “CELERIAC”!
Can you grow your own celery at home?
Yes, You can grow it at home by sowing its seeds in wet soil. But keep in mind that it takes time to mature. So start growing them at least 3+ months earlier if you want to enjoy their benefits.
15. Common Mistakes When Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning.
There are some people who drink a glass of celery juice mixed with apple or mint juices because it masks the taste of celery….!! But It is not recommended to do so as apple and mint have high sugar levels which can be harmful for your health in long run.
Avoid adding salt, lemon or lime juice to your celery juice as these ingredients may cause acidity problems if consumed daily.
Drinking too much fruit juices on a daily basis can raise your blood sugar levels and also make you feel tired since they contain excess amounts of glucose which spike up your insulin levels…..!!! So Keep a tab on how much you intake every day.
People often make the mistake of mixing celery juice with any other fruit or vegetable juices because they think that it will enhance its taste….!! But It is not recommended to do so as addition of these ingredients cause an imbalance in their nutrient levels which can be harmful for your health.
You should avoid drinking too much celery juice every day since it contains alkaline properties which may upset stomach if consumed on empty stomach…..!!! So Try having it before breakfast or dinner.
Many people think that celery juice is a great detox beverage and it can be consumed daily without any issues….!! But Consuming this healthy beverage on empty stomach or more than two glasses a day may cause dizziness, dehydration headache etc.
It is said that if you want to develop strong bones, take lots of dairy products as they contain calcium which helps in developing strong bones…!! But In reality, only plant-based foods like celery juice are capable of increasing your bone health because they provide all the nutrients (including calcium) our body needs.
Some people often make mistakes of drinking celery juice with hot water or milk since they believe that doing so will increase its nutrient levels..!! But It is not recommended to do so as hot water/milk may destroy its antioxidants or nutrients.
16. What is the best way for Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning?
The Best way to consume celery juice in the morning is by adding only 5-7 drops of lime or lemon juice for masking its taste…!!! And Adding honey or date syrup is never recommended as they increase blood sugar levels….!!! So Don’t drink more than one glass on an empty stomach!
My Personal Experience with Celery Juice.
I consumed around two glasses of celery juice daily for almost 4 months. I used to mix it with other plant-based foods like apple, grapes etc since I hated its taste very much at first….!! But gradually my perception towards this healthy beverage changed and now I’m totally addicted to it because of its amazing health benefits.
It also helped me in losing some extra pounds as I was trying to lose weight. So, Don’t waste your time and start consuming this healthy beverage as early as possible!
FAQs about Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning.
1. Question: Is it Good if I drink celery juice after mixing other fruit juices?
Answer: No, It is not recommended to do so as adding these ingredients cause an imbalance in their nutrient levels which can be harmful for your health!
2. Question: What are the benefits of drinking celery juice with hot water or milk?
Answer: Avoid drinking too much celery juice daily as it contains alkaline properties which may upset stomach if consumed on empty stomach…!!! So Try having it before breakfast or dinner.
3. Question: How many glasses of celery juice should I consume every day to see its proper results?
Answer: You should try consuming this healthy beverage minimum 3-4 times a week for desired results.
4. Question: What are the benefits of consuming celery juice with hot water or milk?
Answer: Adding these ingredients causes an imbalance in their nutrient levels which is harmful for your health…!! So Always consume celery juice at room temperature or with lime/lemon juice to mask its taste!
5. Question: How much celery juice should I drink in a day?
Answer: It is recommended that you should never drink more than one glass on an empty stomach as it can upset your stomach and cause other issues….!!! You should always take this healthy beverage before breakfast or dinner.
6. Question: What happens if I drink too much celery juice on empty stomach?
Answer: Consuming more than one glass of this healthy beverage can upset your stomach and cause other issues…!!! So Try taking it before breakfast or dinner to see its proper results.
7. Question: Is drinking celery juice with hot water or milk good for health?
Answer: No, It is not recommended to add these ingredients in this healthy beverage as they increase blood sugar levels which can be harmful for your health…!!! So Consume only a single glass of celery juice daily.
8. Question: Does consuming too much celery juice in the morning cause weight gain?
Answer: No, Consuming a maximum of two glasses of celery juice daily won’t cause weight gain….!! So Don’t worry and start consuming this healthy beverage as soon as possible.
9. Question: Can I drink too much celery juice every day?
Answer: Yes, Consuming more than two-three glasses of this healthy beverage can upset your stomach so please try to avoid doing so.
10 Question: Is it okay if I mix apple or orange juice with celery juice?
Answer: Avoid adding these ingredients in the best way you can because mixing them up causes an imbalance in their nutrient levels which may be harmful for your health..!! Moreover, You should never drink too much fruit juices on a regular basis….!! They are full of sugars which can spike up your blood sugar levels and cause other health issues…!!! So Avoid mixing them with this healthy beverage.
11. Question: How can I add celery juice in my daily diet?
Answer: Being a plant-based food, You can add it to your regular salad or you can try having it as a standalone beverage! Moreover, It is recommended that you should always have it before breakfast or dinner if possible.
Celery juice is a great way to give your body the nutrients it needs in order for you start off on the right foot. If you are looking to make some changes that will lead to better health, drinking celery juice may be one of them.
You can also use this drink as an addition if you’re already doing another healthy habit like juicing or smoothies! We’ve provided many more benefits and tips about Drinking Celery Juice in the Morning. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any question, we will reply soon. Thanks for reading!
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