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Steps on How to Prepare for Clean Juice Cleanse? Good Tips in 2021
If you’re looking for a way to detox and cleanse, then Clean Juice Cleanse may be the best option. Juice cleansing is when you drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for a period of time. There are many benefits to doing this, such as giving your body a break from digesting food so that it can focus on healing itself.
This is an easy way to provide your body with essential nutrients while also giving it some much needed rest. Here are some tips on how to prepare yourself for Clean Juice Cleanse in 2021! Read on!
1. What is Clean Juice Cleanse?
A juice cleanse, or detoxification program uses fresh fruit and vegetables juices to flush out the toxins in your body. The process is done in stages:
1.1. Eliminate starchy foods like breads and pastas for a couple of days (This would be the only time you’d eat this way!).
1.2. Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for a period of time.
1.3. Gradually add solid food back into your diet so that your body gets used to digesting again.
1.4. Follow a healthy, whole food diet with plenty of water to maintain the benefits of cleansing.
2. What are Benefits of Clean Juice Cleanse?
There are many benefits of doing a clean juice cleanse for your body. Here are just some of the benefits you’ll experience when you do this in 2021:
Your skin will look healthier and more radiant because your body’s cells are being purified. It’s not uncommon for people to also notice their acne scars fading away during juice cleansing!
Wrinkles in the face will begin to fade away because toxins in the body have been removed, giving your skin a beautiful glow.
You may notice that you’re feeling happier and lighter on your feet due to all the toxins leaving your system. Suddenly, getting out of bed doesn’t feel like such an arduous task! If you suffer from or anxiety, these may start to subside as well.
You’ll likely lose weight because you’re only drinking healthy juice that is low in calories, but high in nutrients.
Clean Juice Cleanse helps to rid your body of bad bacteria and viruses with natural anti-bacterial properties found in fruit and vegetables juices. This can help strengthen immune system so that you won’t catch every bug going around at work or school!
3. How to Prepare for Clean Juice Cleanse?
Now, before you begin a clean juice cleanse, there are some things you may want to do beforehand:
1) It’s important to rest as much as possible during this time. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night during your clean juice cleanse. This will help you to give your body the rest it needs for optimal performance.
2) Make sure that you’re eating healthy before you start your clean juice detox. If you’re starting with a poor diet, then your body won’t be able to absorb all the nutrients that are in the juices. Poor nutrition can lower immune system and make it more difficult for cleansing to happen.
3) You’ll also want to start drinking warm lemon water each morning on an empty stomach at least one month before you begin Clean Juice Cleanse. This helps clear out toxins from your liver so that they don’t get reabsorbed into the blood stream when you drink fruit and vegetable juice! Drinking hot lemon water also helps stimulate digestion and send food to the intestines.
4) Make sure you’re fully hydrated before starting a clean juice cleanse in 2021. I recommend that you drink at least half your weight in ounces of water each day. So if you weigh 200 lbs, try to drink at least 100 ounces of water so that your body is well-hydrated and ready for a cleanse!
5) You may want to supplement with a probiotic one month before you begin Clean Juice Cleanse. This will help restore good bacteria in your gut after taking antibiotics from being sick or from food you’ve been eating during this time.
6) Try to stay away from alcohol and caffeine for a week beforehand since they won’t be part of your normal diet. They can both interfere with the cleansing process and may cause you to have a headache while doing Clean Juice Cleanse.
4. How many calories in a Clean Juice cleanse?
A clean juice cleanse typically has around 500 to 800 calories per day. Depending on your body type, you may need more or less food during this time.
5. What are the benefits of juicing?
There are many benefits of juicing for people who want to lose weight fast and look younger in 2021 . If you drink fruit juices after a workout, it can help replace electrolytes that exercise is known to deplete from the body! This can prevent muscle cramps and make your skin look healthier after using Clean Juice Cleanse.
Drinking vegetable juices helps reduce blood pressure because they’re low in sodium but high in potassium an important mineral for cardiovascular health. Vegetable juices also provide incredible antioxidants that fight off free radical damage in the body.
6. How long should I do Clean Juice Cleanse?
It’s recommended that you do a clean juice cleanse for 2 to 3 weeks at least once in 2021 before starting any other weight loss program. If you do it longer, then your chances of losing more weight increase! It takes around 7 days for your digestive system to be fully cleansed and ready for new foods after doing a clean juice detox.
For best results, drink 8 oz of fruit or vegetable juices every hour during this time. You can also have water, broth, herbal tea or green tea throughout the day too if you are feeling hungry between juices.
Above are Steps on How to Prepare for Clean Juice Cleanse. Now, let’s see some Tips and Guides on Preparing for Clean Juice Cleanse as below:
Tips and Guides on Preparing for Clean Juice Cleanse.
1. Clean Juice Recipes for Clean Juice Cleanse:
1.1. Granny Smith Apple Cider.
Ingredients: 1 Green Apple, 1 Lemon, 1 tsp of Cinnamon.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender. Enjoy your refreshing green juice! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
1.2. The Morning Booster.
Ingredients: 1 cup Spinach Leaves, 2 Tomatoes, 4 Stalks of Celery and ½ Cucumber. If you do not like cucumbers, you can substitute with a handful of spinach leaves instead.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender. This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
1.3. Berry Apple Green Juice.
Ingredients: 1 cup of Strawberries, 1 Granny Smith Apple and ½ Cucumber (optional). If you do not like cucumbers, you can substitute with a handful of spinach leaves instead.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
1.4. The Greenest Drink Ever.
Ingredients: 1 Apple, 1 Cucumber and ½ Beetroot (optional). If you do not like cucumbers, you can substitute with a handful of spinach leaves instead.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
1.5. Watermelon, Apple and Cucumber Juice.
Ingredients: ½ Small Watermelon, 1 Green Apple and ½ Cucumber (optional). If you do not like cucumbers, you can substitute with a handful of spinach leaves instead.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
It is quite natural that we feel hungry between meals because our bodies are used eating 3 times a day with heavy junk food stuffs, instead of eating 5 to 6 times a day the healthy way. So, you will feel hungry between your juices during Clean Juice Cleanse , but that’s okay! Just try your best to resist your cravings and think about how great you’ll feel after doing this clean juice detox plan for just one week.
Remember, if you’re feeling too weak with hunger pangs in between meals, you can drink more water or eat fresh vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes between juices as these are very low calorie foods.
1.6. Cucumber Mint Juice.
Ingredients: 1 Apple, 1 Large cucumber and few sprigs of mint leaves (optional).
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
1.7. The Green Rush.
Ingredients: 2 Apples, 1 hand-full of spinach leaves and ½ cup of grapes (optional)
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse.
You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake. If grape is not your thing because it’s too sour, you can substitute it with cucumber instead.
1.8. Flat Tummy Green Goodness.
Ingredients: 1 Apple, ½ Cucumber, 1 Cup Spinach leaves, ½ Lime. If you do not like cucumbers, you can substitute with a handful of spinach leaves instead.
Preparation Method: Blend all ingredients thoroughly in your blender and enjoy! This can be consumed either before or after a workout for an energy boost as well. For best results, drink one every hour during Clean Juice Cleanse. You may also add some stevia if you like the taste but want to cut down on sugar intake.
2. Steps by Steps on Doing Clean Juice Cleanse.
2.1. Determine which cleanse program is best for you. The three options are a 3-day, 5-day or 7-day juice cleanse. Decide whether the time frame works with your schedule and lifestyle.
2.2. Figure out how many juices per day you will drink during your cleanse. You may drink as little as one 16 oz. glass of juice per day, preferably before breakfast, to as much as six 16 oz glasses of juice per day if you choose the most aggressive program for a weight loss goal.
If this is going to be your first time doing a juice fast, it is recommended that you start with just one or two juices per day and gradually work up to more over a couple of days to allow your body to adjust to the change in diet.
2.3. Prepare for your cleanse by drinking 8-10 glasses of water (64 oz.) per day for three days prior to starting. This will help flush flood, toxins and other junk out of your system, which will make it easier for you to complete your cleanse. It should be noted that doing a juice fast without properly hydrating yourself beforehand is dangerous and can lead to serious medical complications like renal failure.
You should also eat lightly in the days leading up to your cleanse; try steaming some vegetables and having salad with lemon wedges rather than heavy meals with lots of meats, starches or dairy products. You do not want to stress your digestive tract too much right before beginning this new dietary regimen.
2.4. Start your cleanse on a weekend or during the days off, so you will have more time to rest and prepare yourself for what’s coming. You won’t feel as rushed to get back to work like if it was during the weekdays. Your body needs time to adjust to the new diet before you go back to normal eating.
2.5. Get into a regimented schedule during your cleanse. You can break down your juices into two servings per day that are consumed every three hours, or drink one serving each hour of the day through out the course of twelve hours (for example between 6 am-6 pm).
Some people find that having more frequent smaller servings of juice helps them feel more energized. However, you can also split up your juices and drink them sporadically throughout the day (for example between 6:30 am – 9:30 pm).
2.6. Get into a calm environment either at home or somewhere where you can relax for three to five hours after each juice; not only will this allow you time to rest and recover, it will give your digestive system an opportunity to work through the nutrients in your stomach before you go back to normal eating.
If possible plan on taking a nap as well because sleep is one of the best ways to recharge your energy levels.
2.7. Do not do heavy exercise during Cleanse period; make sure that all activities are relaxing and easy going. Only engage in physical activity that is moderate or less. You can do some light walking or yoga, but avoid strenuous activities like running and weight lifting.
2.8. Continue drinking water throughout the day even if you’re not thirsty; hydration is important for your body to complete the detoxification process properly. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day during your cleanse (64 oz.).
2.9. Set yourself up for success by preparing in advance. Make sure you have adequate groceries on hand before starting your cleanse so you don’t need to go out and shop immediately after each juice period this will allow you more time to rest and recover between juices.
It’s also a good idea to set aside reading materials or something to take your mind off of food so you won’t feel tempted to grab a snack after drinking your juice.
2.10. Don’t forget snacks! Your body still needs energy throughout the day even though you are not eating solid foods, so don’t be afraid of having fruit in between juices for this purpose.
Try apples, oranges, bananas, pears and other fruits that are naturally sweet don’t overdo it with dried fruit because its high sugar content will spike up blood glucose levels when consumed excessively, which will slow down weight loss during Cleanse period.
2.11. Keep in mind that when you follow a juice fast for too long it can leave your body malnourished and in some cases lead to renal failure. To avoid this, a good rule of thumb is to do a three-day juice fast no more than once a month.
2.12. Once you have completed your cleanse, slowly add foods back to your diet. Start with small portions of lean meats and steamed vegetables so that your stomach has time to adjust then over the next day or two add in complex carbohydrates like fruits that are high in fiber content and low on fructose levels, such as apples and berries.
3. Some Tips on Preparing Clean Juice Cleanse.
1. It is important to use organic vegetables and fruits because you want your juices to contain as many nutrients as possible since there are no solid ingredients for the consumption of fiber.
2. Use cold pressed extra virgin olive oil to protect cells against free radical damage, improve brain function, boost heart health, prevent cancer, increase bone density and reduce joint pain. Other healthy oils include coconut oil, flaxseed oil and grape seed oil.
3. Instead of adding salt to your juices use spices like black pepper, garlic powder, cayenne powder or ginger instead; these seasonings will give you a lot of flavor without risking sodium levels in your blood.
4. You can sweeten your juices with raw honey, date paste, stevia or monk fruit because these ingredients are very low in fructose and will not mess up blood sugar levels over the course of day unless consumed excessively. Your best alternatives to refined sugars are coconut palm sugar or maple syrup.
5. If you stay away from caffeine while drinking juice you will avoid creating addictive tendencies toward this drug; drinking one cup of coffee per day is okay if you want to continue reaping its benefits like improved mental clarity, better physical endurance and increased bone density since it contains antioxidants that fight off harmful free radicals in your body.
4. How much weight can you lose on a 3 Day Juice Cleanse?
A juice cleanse can help you lose weight quickly, but it is not a healthy thing to do in the long-term. It’s important to remember that while you are juicing your body isn’t getting any protein or fiber. One of the main benefits of juicing lies in the fact that it does give your digestive system a break and allows it to rest.
However, this doesn’t mean that if you only drink juice for one week you will lose three pounds – almost everyone who tries a one-week juice cleanse loses weight because they simply consume fewer calories than normal and most likely they also exercise (which significantly contributes to weight loss results).
The amount of weight you will lose on a 3-day juice cleanse depends on your current weight and your daily caloric intake; if you only drink juice and no food (like many people do during a cleanse) you can lose up to ten pounds in three days. If you eat solid foods including fruit, veggies and whole grains while juicing, the number will be significantly lower – perhaps between two and five pounds.
It is important to remember that juice cleansing shouldn’t be done for too long. Research shows that drinking one type of food for more than two days puts your body under increased risk of bacterial infection. If you are planning on doing a cleanse, it’s essential that you do it periodically – perhaps once every three months or twice per year at the most.
If you try to lose weight with juice fasting frequently, this can have negative consequences on your health and will only contribute to making your body weaker over time. “I lost more than 3 pounds in 3 days! Is this healthy?”
A short-term juice cleanse might result in weight loss because you consume fewer calories than usual; however, this isn’t true weight loss because if the body doesn’t get enough nutrients it will start using its own muscle mass.
Juice cleansing is not a healthy weight loss program because there are no long-term studies on the effects of this diet plan, and most experts agree that juice fasting can be dangerous to your health. Some of the sickest people I see in my practice are those who tried juice fasts or other extreme diets; their bodies were so weak that they needed constant medical attention.
Additionally, every time you detoxify your body (by means of diuretics like juice) you flush away many essential minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium which play an important role in hundreds of bodily functions. Instead of flushing away nutrients with juices, try whole foods that contain natural antioxidants and essential nutrients your body needs to function properly.
5. What is the Difference Between Juicing and Blending?
Blending breaks down whole vegetables, fruits and other ingredients (like nuts) using a powerful motor that spins at an extremely high speed; blenders like Vitamix™ can reach speeds of 240 MPH. When you blend food, it becomes liquefied – this is why some people refer to blending as “juicing without the mess”.
Juicing separates fiber from vegetables and fruit by means of a grater or a presser; most juicers like Breville™ have an attachment that allows users to create pasta or frozen desserts out of veggies thus creating “new dishes” instead of just extracting juice from them.
For most people who are just getting started with juicing, a masticating or cold press juicer is probably the best option. Masticating juicers process ingredients at low speeds to ensure that vitamins and minerals are preserved. Cold-press juicers have an auger that crushes fruit instead of slicing it which allows you to create smoothies with whole fruits and veggies (not liquefied).
The most important thing about juice cleansing is not necessarily what type of product you use but how long you do it for. A good choice would be something like the NutriBullet™ – this powerful blender can make juices without separating any fiber from vegetables or fruit. Best of all, the Nutribullet uses unique extraction blades that mix ingredients without ever fully liquefying them.
Juice cleansing is not for everyone – if you are just looking to lose a few pounds, whole foods by themselves might be the answer. If you would like to do a more extensive detoxification program with fruits and veggies, try adding some spices or herbs to your recipes; this will give food more flavor and make juicing less boring.
Fruits and vegetables contain natural sugars (like glucose), vitamins and minerals which nourish cells in your body . This means that juice cleansing does offer certain health benefits, no matter how long it’s done for; however, if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle it won’t fix underlying problems that contribute to weight gain like eating processed junk foods , drinking soda or doing nothing but lying around all day.
Beet juice contains ingredients that can reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure which makes it a great addition to any cleanse, regardless of how long it’s done for. Kale is another superfood with potent cleansing properties; this vegetable has high levels of vitamin C which helps the liver work properly and processes fat into usable energy.
6. Should we do exercise when Clean Juice Cleanse?
Of course, exercising while cleansing is a great way to prevent weight gain and losing muscle mass. Without exercise, your body will begin processing fat as the only source of energy which can lead to serious health problems like gallstones or pancreatitis.
The best time to do exercise is between 7-8 am after taking the morning laxative tea but before eating breakfast . If you are not already active, start slow by doing some light cardio first thing in the morning for about 20 minutes; this will kick-start your metabolism into high gear so that it works at maximum efficiency during the rest of the day.
After breaking a sweat with some light cardiovascular activity (like walking), feel free to jump into strength training resistance exercises like push ups and squats to strengthen muscles and prevent bloating.
Juice cleansing can be done for as little as 1 day or as long as 12 days depending on how many pounds you need to lose; the most important thing is that it’s done safely without compromising your health . When done properly, detoxing with fruits and vegetables will leave you feeling light and energetic instead of sluggish or bloated which is what cleanses are all about!
If you dread the idea of drinking only juice for days on end, do not worry – there are other options! Try using protein powders, nuts and seeds to create delicious smoothies that nourish cells in your body while providing enough energy to keep your mind alert (which should help with productivity).
7. Don’t like cold-pressed juice or are allergic to fruit?
No problem – you can prepare smoothies with vegetables instead of fruit using ingredients like carrots, kale and cucumbers. Herbal teas are also a great alternative for cleansing because they contain healing properties that will cleanse the body without dehydrating it.
Look for organic green tea, peppermint tea, ginger tea, lemon balm tea and chamomile tea which deserve honorable mentions as effective herbal remedies for cleansing.
8. And what about coffee?
Coffee is fine but keep in mind that most commercial varieties are full of artificial flavors, stabilizers or preservatives that have no place being inside your body so be sure to drink it black before running off to work! If you feel lousy without your daily fix, try having some green tea instead because it’s high in antioxidants that can boost energy levels.
9. Is Slim Fast good for Clean Juice Cleanse?
Yes! Just make sure to avoid ready-made varieties with ephedrine or caffeine because even though they might speed up the cleansing process, they pose serious health risks when taken excessively. Instead, look for shakes and bars without dangerous additives so that you can get the most out of your cleansing program.
10. Don’t like protein powders, nuts and seeds?
No problem – there are lots of other healthy ingredients than can be used in a smoothie! Try using avocados (full of fiber and protein), yogurt (packed with calcium) tofu (which is low in fat and cholesterol) and milk (which contains protein and calcium).
Stay away from dairy when cleansing because it contains casein which can slow down the cleansing process. If you are unable to prepare your own smoothies at home, try looking for pre-packaged varieties that don’t contain unhealthy additives or preservatives so that you can stay within the rules of your detox program but still satisfy cravings for creamy flavors.
With all these delicious plans and options available, there’s no excuse to go hungry while fasting with juice! Now there should be no reason to complain about feeling bloated after eating lots of fatty food; instead, you’ll be experiencing renewed energy levels while getting rid of toxins stored in old cells (so they never get a chance to make you sick ever again).
11. Common Mistakes When Preparing for Clean Juice Cleanse?
Overeating – it’s easy to be tempted by large portions or just go on a binge and eat everything in sight but that defeats the purpose of fasting with juice because you won’t lose weight and will gain more weight than before you started!
Eating too much protein – we said earlier that animal meat contains toxins so it’s best to avoid steak, hamburgers and sausages while cleansing (it doesn’t mean they can’t be eaten at all). Instead, include more vegetables such as cucumbers which can also make you feel full without adding dangerous chemicals to your system.
Drinking coffee even though some studies suggest caffeine speeds up metabolism , it’s better to drink herbal tea instead of coffee because the latter has addictive properties that can make you feel anxious or cause your body to crash.
Addictive additives – commercial smoothies are full of dangerous chemicals like soy (which causes hormonal imbalance), carrageenan (which can irritate the digestive system) and refined sugars (which contribute to conditions like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer).
Sugar substitutes – even though they might be advertised as ‘healthy’ sugar alternatives, they often contain carcinogenic compounds that damage cells so you should only use natural sweeteners such as stevioside , erythritol , xylitol and sorbitol instead.
Vegetables some people complain about having stomach cramps after trying juice cleanse because they didn’t include enough vegetables in their diet so remember to eat them every single day if you want to stay healthy!
Not drinking water – our bodies are composed of around 60% water so it’s imperative that you drink the right amount each day to stay hydrated, detoxify cells and prevent indigestion problems.
Breaking the fast – some people think they’re doing themselves a favor by cheating on fasting with juice but just because your senses are back doesn’t mean you should break the rules by eating unhealthy food or too much of it.
A good idea is to have soup first before indulging in chicken wings although after all this time without solid food, your body will probably crave oranges more than anything else (in which case, eat as many as you want!).
12. How Much Weight Can You Lose on a Clean Juice Cleanse?
Since juice cleanses are meant for weight loss and not medicinal purposes, they vary from person to person. In healthy individuals that consume the right amount of calories each day, it’s possible to lose up to 5 pounds weekly but if your eating habits were bad before cleansing, you might only lose 2 pounds.
However, the most important thing is not how much weight you can lose but rather about purging the body of toxins! Someone with 20 pounds more to lose will definitely notice a difference after detoxifying their system whereas someone who is already thin won’t.
Common Question Related with Preparing for Clean Juice Cleanse FAQs.
1. Question: Can I do a juice cleanse if I’m nursing? If so, how long can you go without solid food and drinking fresh juice?
Answer: You can do a juice cleanse while breastfeeding but it’s recommended to stick to it for only 1-2 weeks because the baby might feel hungry and starve. Generally speaking, you should wait at least 2 months before starting another cleanse in order for your body to be ready.
2. Question: What kind of juices are best when cleansing?
Answer: Each person has different tastes so you will probably love certain types of juices more than others. However, keep in mind that each fruit or vegetable also contains different amounts of calories! For example, 100 grams of grapes contain around 159 calories whereas the same amount of watermelon contains around 60 so focus on juicing vegetables and fruits that are low in calories!
3. Question: How much weight can you lose during a juice cleanse?
Answer: A person who has been eating poorly during the last month or two will probably lose 5 pounds of pure fat during a juice fast but someone who is already thin might not be able to lose any at all. Generally speaking, it’s important to remember that cleansing is mainly about detoxifying the body of toxins rather than losing weight because juice alone isn’t enough for your body to function optimally.
4. Question: Can you do a clean juice cleanse if you’re on medication?
Answer: It’s not recommended to take medicine before cleansing (and definitely not during!) because the juices might react with some ingredients and worsen your health. If you’re already taking some medications, consult your doctor beforehand and ask them about alternative options!
5 Question: How many days can I survive without eating solid food?
Answer: Just like we said above, it depends on how healthy you were before starting a juice cleanse and whether or not you’ve done one in the past.
Healthy individuals generally last 5-8 days whereas those who have been eating poorly require at least 10 days of fasting to feel rejuvenated! careful though – don’t push yourself too hard and remember that the most important thing in a juice cleanse is taking a break from solid food rather than going to extremes!
6. Question: Can you lose weight without juicing?
Answer: If you drastically reduce your calorie intake, it’s possible to lose up to 5 pounds weekly but this requires avoiding fatty foods and instead choosing fruits or vegetables. You can also get rid of toxins naturally by following certain diets like gluten-free, veganism etc.!
7. Question: How long do I have to wait before I can start another juice cleanse?
Answer: Generally speaking, you should wait until your body is ready for another cleansing before beginning another one because otherwise you might worsen your health by depriving yourself of nutrients. It’s best to take things easy, follow a healthy diet and exercise routine, and only cleanse when you feel ready!
8. Question: How many pounds of weight can I lose by drinking fresh juice every day?
Answer: A pound corresponds to around 3500 calories so it would be possible to lose up to 15-20 pounds per month if you drink fresh juice every day.
The most important thing is not how much weight you can lose but rather that your body gets rid of toxins! Someone with 20 excess pounds will definitely notice a difference after cleansing whereas someone who isn’t overweight might not see any changes at all.
9. Question: Is it better to use organic fruits and vegetables for juicing?
Answer: Generally speaking, organic produce is better because it doesn’t contain harmful pesticides and more importantly, it’s free from mercury and other toxins found in fish which get absorbed by the vegetables. However, if you can’t afford to use such products (or don’t have access), regular fruits and vegetables will work just fine!
10. Question: How long do I need to juice fast?
Answer: The duration of this type of cleansing depends on your current weight and how healthy you were before starting a cleanse! Someone who was very unhealthy might require 10 days while someone who is already skinny might not lose any weight at all! It’s generally recommended to take things slow so start with 3-5 days before increasing the number of fasting days.
We have summarized the steps on how to prepare a clean juice cleanse for you. You can find more information about what is involved in this process by following these guidelines and consulting your doctor before starting any new diet plan.
If you are ready, here are some of the key points that will help guide you through preparing your Clean Juice Cleanse so they taste good! Feel free to contact us if you have any question, we will reply soon. Thanks for reading!
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