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Steps by Steps on How to Juicing – Goods Tips and Guides in 2021
Today, we are going to go over some basics on juicing. Juicing is an easy way for you to get the nutrients your body needs without having to take time out of your day or making a trip into the grocery store. The benefits of juicing include getting all the beneficial vitamins and minerals in one glass!
Some people think that it’s impossible to juice at home but in this article, we provide Steps by Steps on How to Juicing. Besides that, we give some Tips and Guide on How to Juicing at home. Enjoy it!
1. What is juicing?
Juicing is utilizing fruits or vegetables to extract the liquid contents in order to get their nutrients with out ingesting the fiber. Fiber isn’t always bad for you, but there are far more benefits you can gain from juice than just fiber. Juice has a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals which your body needs to function properly.
This makes it easier for you as well as saving time! Juicing offers many different varieties depending on what fruit or vegetable you use so it keeps things interesting and saves money because you can buy produce in bulk without worrying about them going bad before they’re used up!
2. Why should I juice at home?
Juicing at home saves money and allows you to control the ingredients and nutrients that go into your juice. This means less additives and junk, which can save you a lot of time later down the road because it’s easier to avoid those sweet drinks if they aren’t even in your fridge!
You also get more bang for your buck when juicing at home since many times produce sold in stores is treated with chemicals or waxes to keep it looking pretty! Restaurants typically do not use organic ingredients so their juices are likely laden with pesticides, hormones, waxes, or even just be straight up rotten!
Buying produce in bulk is also another way to save money so try planning out your recipes ahead of time before heading over to the store.
3. What are benefits of juice?
There are so many different benefits of juice! By getting the nutrients your body needs it also reduces the amount of water retention and bloating often experienced by women on their menstrual cycle or men who consume too much sodium. It can help with reducing migraines, headaches, and even hangovers if you choose to add a little fresh ginger (or steep some in hot water) into your juice blend.
A vitamin C boost is always helpful for boosting immunity and antioxidants! With more phytochemicals in your drink daily you’ll be less likely to catch some sort of cold that’s going around and you’ll feel healthier overall! If weight loss is something you’re aiming for juicing will also speed up those results the fiber has been removed from your drink.
This will typically allow you to feel full longer so you eat less at meals, which makes it easier to lose weight!
4. Steps by Steps on How to Juicing
You can refer these steps on How to juicing:
Step 1: Wash all produce before using.
Step 2: Remove any tough stems from greens such as kale, chard or collards.
Step 3: Add ingredients into your juicer in the order listed if a recipe is included.
Step 4: If you’re uncertain about what to add just add whatever! Most recipes are just guidelines for you to follow so have fun with it and experiment! It’s only going in a blender or juicer so there isn’t much of a mess to clean up either way so take a chance and try something new!
Step 5: Drink up and enjoy your juice immediately because heat can destroy nutrients and enzymes found in raw foods.
5. Some Fruit and Vegetable for Juicing
Get started today by checking out our list of easy fruit and vegetable juices that taste great together:
1. Tomato and Carrot:
This juice is so simple and tasty, but many people forget about carrots! They’re great for your eyes because they’re rich in beta-carotene which can help reduce one’s risk of macular degeneration. They also add a sweeter taste to the strong taste of tomatoes.
2. Apple and Jalapeno:
This recipe may sound strange at first, but give it a try! The sweet apple helps calm the fire from jalapenos while giving you an immunity boost due to its high vitamin C content! Add in some red chili peppers if you really want a kick or one half of a green apple for a tart note to bring out all the flavors in this juice.
3. Watermelon and Pineapple:
Watermelons are great for hydrating the body so you don’t experience that stuffed feeling after drinking juice. Add some fresh pineapple to sweeten it up and you’re in business! Use about three fourths of a cup of watermelon with one fourth of a cup of pineapple to get started.
4. Blackberry and Lemon:
Blackberries are very tart so adding lemon helps brighten the flavor while giving your immune system support due to its high vitamin C content! Plus, lemons help dissolve any kidney stones in the bladder or kidneys if added into your daily routine. Try using two cups of blackberries per lemon half to start with this recipe.
5. Carrot and Celery:
This flavor combination might sound boring, but it really is delicious! The juice from these two vegetables are so mild yet packed with flavor you’ll do a double take when you taste it! Add an apple if desired to sweeten things up or one fourth of a beet for extra nutrients.
5. Apple and Fennel:
This juice is great for weight loss because fennel helps curb any cravings that could be causing you to overeat throughout the day. It’s also helpful for digestion due to its high fiber content which makes the body feel full longer on less food intake. An apple adds some sweetness while enhancing your immune system similar to blackberries and lemons.
6. Beet and Ginger:
This juice has such a strong taste, but it will energize you! The beet helps cleanse the body, plus ginger helps reduce inflammation in the body due to arthritis or other causes. It’s also great for your immune system and gastrointestinal track.
7. Celery and Cucumber:
Cucumbers are very hydrating while celery is full of minerals like calcium and magnesium which can help increase energy levels. Because of this juice is extremely hydrating you’ll want to make sure you drink it throughout the day! Add one fourth of an apple if desired for sweetness.
8. Carrot and Apple:
This flavor combination is similar to tomato and carrot, but with an added boost from apples that contain high amounts of vitamin A! The carrots enhance how well your body absorbs the Vitamin A so it can be used as energy instead of being stored in fat cells.
9. Orange, Grapefruit, and Pineapple:
This juice is another great immune system booster! The orange gives you a vitamin C boost which helps decrease the length and severity of colds. The grapefruit helps regulate insulin levels due to its high vitamin C content while pineapple adds some sweetness with its rich source of manganese and potassium (great for heart health).
10. Watermelon and Apple:
Add some honeydew melon to sweeten this juice up if desired because watermelons are extremely tart on their own! They’re also great for hydrating your body and flushing out thanks to nature’s diuretic properties.
11. Mango and Pineapple:
Mango is a great source of magnesium which is great for reducing inflammation, plus it’s rich in B-vitamins which help your body produce energy from the food you eat! Pineapple helps regulate insulin levels due to its high manganese content while adding some sweetness to this juice.
12.Cabbage and Apple:
This juice has an extremely strong flavor so if you don’t like cabbage I wouldn’t recommend trying this one out! However, apples are perfect for hydrating the body without that full feeling because they’re packed with water soluble fiber whereas cabbage contains cellulose that forms thick gels when mixed with water (this helps bind toxins in the colon instead of being reabsorbed back into the bloodstream).
13. Cabbage and Ginger:
This juice has a strong flavor because of the earthy taste from the cabbage, but ginger helps neutralize it! The fiber content in cabbage is what makes this drink so great for detoxing because it forms these thick gels when mixed with water which trap toxins in the body instead of being reabsorbed.
14. Tomato and Carrot:
I know a lot of people don’t like carrots unless they’re covered in chocolate or sugar, but give this recipe a try before you write off carrots forever! They add some sweetness to this juice combined with tart tomatoes that still contain vitamin C even after processing! Try using two cups of vegetable per one cup of water and then adding one cup of tomato and one cup of carrot to the mix.
15. Carrot, Beet, and Cucumber:
This juice is so potent with flavor because there’s three strong vegetables at play! All these ingredients help cleanse the body by flushing out toxins which will give you noticeable results in how well your skin looks! Beets are great sources of magnesium as well as iron plus cucumbers help hydrate the body naturally due to their high water content.
16. Carrot, Apple, and Tomato:
I know a lot of people don’t like carrots unless they’re covered in chocolate or sugar, but give this recipe a try before you write off carrots forever! They add some sweetness to this juice combined with tart apples that still contain vitamin C even after processing! Try using two cups of vegetable per one cup of water and then adding one cup of carrot and one cup of tomato to the mix.
17. Apple, Spinach, and Kale:
This juice is a triple threat with three perfect power foods that’ll give you some energy while flushing out toxins from your system! The more dark green vegetables you include in your diet the better because they’re rich in chlorophyll which helps pull heavy metals inside cells so they can be flushed through the body naturally.
18. Mango, Pineapple, and Banana:
Add a cup or two of coconut water to this juice for some extra hydration especially if you live in a hot climate where it’s even more important to keep your body hydrated! Bananas add some sweetness and mangoes are rich in magnesium plus pineapple helps regulate insulin levels due to its high manganese content.
19. Carrot, Beet, and Apple:
This juice might not be the prettiest looking, but I promise it tastes better than it looks! Beets provide a lot of health benefits such as containing betaine which lowers homocysteine levels (this is good for heart health) and they’re also delicious combined with carrots and tart apples that still contain vitamin C even after processing which means this juice is packed full of nutrients and antioxidants that help cleanse the body.
6. How many way to juicing at home?
There are many ways to juice at home like cold press juicer , centrifugal juicer, masticating juicer and etc..
Juice fast is only for 7 days. If you do longer than that it will be dangerous because your body can’t absorb vitamin c properly. Also I don’t know how long the juice keep in the fridge but I usually drink it straight after I make it to ensure freshness.
Above are Steps by Steps on How to juicing at home and some Recipes for reference. Now, Let’s see some Tips and Guides on How to Juicing as below:
Tips and Guides on How to Juicing
1. Tips on How to Juicing
Wear comfortable cloths.
Make sure you have a firm grip on your juicer before turning it on
Be careful to use a sharp blade because a dull one will take for much of the fruit or veggie and produce less juice.
All fruits and vegetables aren’t meant for juicing! I always choose organic fruits/veggies that are high in water content such as apples, cucumbers, kale, lettuce, celery etc. Some low water content fruits include bananas, oranges ,pineapple etc.
If you want to add these into your juices just combine them with some greens and other higher water content veggies/fruits so they can help push everything through your blade!
2. Common Mistakes when Juicing at home
Don’t add any dairy or other liquids into your juice. The water will help push everything through the blade and the fiber in the fruits/veggies helps get rid of any extra pulp from inside them.
I don’t recommend holding down your produce for too long if it’s stuck on a certain part of the blade because this means you need to turn off your machine and check if there’s anything trapped before continuing, but if you do get fruit get stuck just give it a wiggle and then carry on juicing!
If you’ve added in extra citrus such as grapefruit or lemon throw in some leafy greens like kale, spinach ,or celery to balance out the flavors!
3. What things we should take after when juicing?
Drink your juice on an empty stomach so it’s easier for the body to absorb all of its nutrients immediately! If you have breakfast straight after drinking your juice it’ll just sit in your stomach and rot because your body will be busy processing food.
Make sure you’re chewing or at least swishing everything around in your mouth before swallowing. This helps break down fiber which makes it easier for the body to extract nutrients.
Some ingredients like ginger, turmeric, and cayenne can make some people nauseous if they drink them too fast without chewing properly (I’ve had some bad experiences with this) so always remember chew! Chew chew chew! 😉 Even though I’m a firm believer of “chewing doesn’t really help that much” it definitely does!
If you’re using a masticating juicer or twin gear juicer I recommend you drink your juice on the same day because the nutrient do not last overnight. But if you are using centrifugal juicer its fine because this type of machine spins at higher speeds so it won’t oxidated fruits/veggie as much.
4. Do some people feel sick after drinking juice? What is this? Is there anything to worry about?
Yes, There are many reasons why people feel sick after drinking juice.
Firstly It may be caused by allergy to specific fruit and vegetables.
Secondly The reason is that they don’t chew their juice properly or they just straightly drink it directly from the cup without breathing through nose which bring oxidization of fruit and veggie.
And lastly , it may be because their stomach isn’t use to the pure form of juice yet. A good way to test if you can handle drinking pure juice is by eating a piece of fresh produce and see how your body reacts after that! You should start feeling better after consuming little bit and then more and more until your ready for full on juice cleanse 🙂
I don’t recommend people who has ulcer, gastritis or any other digestion problems drink juice fast straight away. It’s best to consult doctors first before trying anything drastic like this 🙂
5. What is the proper way to juice?
Wash your fruits and vegetables.
Cut them up or tear them apart depending on the size of your machine chute.
Put them through a juicer according to the manufacturer’s manual so it doesn’t jam! Most blade assemblies have a minimum amount you should try to put in at once but if you can’t push anything else into it then that means you need to clean it out first before trying again 🙂
6. Can you lose weight by juicing?
Yes, the main purpose of juice diet is to lose weight. During one day you will absorb tons of nutrition but there are no calories so your body will burning all fats stored in your body first. After that you need to intake about 2000-2500 calorie per day which should be consumed by fresh juices and low fat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You should take 1500mg calcium daily for healthy teeth and bones during juice cleanse period.
Common Questions Related with How to Juicing FAQs?
1. How to Juicing?
Answer: You can follow these steps below:
Wash your veggies and fruits thoroughly.
Chop them up into small pieces that will fit into the juicer.
Put them through your juicer according to the manufacturer’s manual so it doesn’t jam. Most blade assemblies have a minimum amount you should try to put in at once but if you can’t push anything else into it then that means you need to clean it out first before trying again 🙂
2. Is there any side effects of juicing?
Answer: Yes, the main reason is because people usually juice too much fruit without chewing properly which cause oxidization/fermentation period. When this happen, there are excessive yeast growths inside our body which may lead to diarrhea or other digestive problems even stomachache.
Some people also experience this because they don’t drink sufficient amount of water during the day, if your body doesn’t have enough water inside your body it’s going to be bad because our juice will turn into toxins inside. Unless you doing a detox its best to drink at least 3 liters of fresh alkaline water daily (or more if you sweat alot). For any other questions please leave me a comment below 🙂
3. How to make green juice? The best way is by using a slow juicer rather than centrifugal juicers.
Load up your ingredients into the machine and push it through according to the manufacturer’s manual. If you’re too lazy, like me:) then just put in everything and slowly push it down with a spoon and lock on the plunger handle.
You can add an apple for sweetness or some organic lemon/lime juice if you feel that your veggie tastes bland (sour taste). There are many greens so experiment with different juices!
4. How many juice per day should we drink?
1-3 as a meal replacement.
4+ as detoxification if you want to speed up the process. Drink lots of water at the same time!
You can drink fresh juices for breakfast, lunch and dinner but please take note that too much juice is not good because you will be lacking protein and fiber content in your diet so its best to have a solid 3 hour window per day or if you can’t then just have it once a day max before going to bed.
If you’re thinking of doing it everyday then I recommend having one solid meal with fruits/veggies only every 2 days instead then just having juice throughout the day this way your body won’t go into starvation mode malnutrition state 🙂
5. How long should we drink fresh juices?
Answer: Detoxify (3 days) will depend on how heavy your eating habits are. If you drink lots of soda’s, alcohol and fast food everyday then 3 days won’t be enough to cleanse all toxins out. I suggest 7-30days detoxification depending on how bad your diet is. 30days is minimum for me because I used to eat junk foods often before juicing.
Maintenance (1 day) please refer to the part about too much juice doesn’t equal good nutrition in this article 🙂
6. How long should you continue to take vitamins after juice fasting?
Answer: After 3 days of detoxification process, your body have successfully cleaned itself from harmful toxins inside so its recommend that you slowly reintroduce your food back to you starting with whole fruits & veggies.
Foods that are not in their raw state because cooking will destroy the enzymes which help digest the food, so its best to eat steamed or cooked for up-keeping/maintaining your new healthy lifestyle until you feel confident enough to reintroduce raw foods back into your diet.
I recommend taking vitamins after detoxification period is over and slowly continue them throughout this process unless you want to stop taking them completely.
7. What are vegetables? How are they related with detoxification?
Answer: Vegetables are plants that grow above the ground ( excluding potatoes) while root plants are called as “roots”. Root plants should be juiced but only if you have a strong centrifugal juicer otherwise the juice will turn brown.
Juicing is a great way to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet. In addition, juicing can also give you the opportunity to use up produce that may be going bad soon and save yourself some money in the process! Follow these steps on how to juicing at home for a guaranteed success.
We have even included our favorite recipes so you can get started right away! Contact us if you have any more question, we will reply soon. Thanks for reading!
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