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How to Do Homemade Juice Cleanse – Good Tips in 2021
In this blog post, you will learn how to homemade juice cleanse from home. A juice cleanse is a detox diet that is used as an alternative medicine for those who are looking to lose weight and improve their overall health. In the past few years, more people have been doing these cleanses because they believe it can help them feel better and lead healthier lives.
With our tips below on what you need to know about juicing at home, you’ll be able to experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle without having to spend money on expensive store-bought juices!
1. What are benefits of Juice Cleanse?
There are many benefits of drinking juices – from better health to weight loss – and it has been around for a long time. It’s not a new-age fad diet, but instead a healthy habit that people have been following since the early days of civilization. I
n fact, people were using fruits and vegetables as medicine to cure or even prevent illnesses until the 1900s. However, it became less popular because of the rise in processed foods and other factors. But these days, people are once again realizing the health benefits of juicing.
If you’ve ever thought about doing a juice cleanse, then you might be curious on how exactly this type of detox diet works. The secret is that green vegetables and fruits contain vital nutrients that boost your immune system while also improving digestion.
When these substances are extracted into juices, they’re transferred to your body much faster than just eating them whole could ever do! It’s why so many people feel so energized after drinking fresh squeezed juices… within an hour or two of having certain healthy blends, you’ll feel as if you’ve just had a full meal.
Other than the health benefits, one of the reasons why more and more people are doing juice cleanses is because they’re actually simple to follow. You don’t need to prepare complicated or expensive meals – all you have to do is blend your favorite fruits and vegetables together and drink them like a smoothie!
And unlike other diets, juices can be consumed using an ordinary blender. No fancy equipment required – you’ll see that it’s actually very easy to make healthy juices at home!
You might not know this about homemade juices, but they taste even better than store-bought ones! There are many recipes out there that taste great when made fresh from scratch… especially if you start using high-quality fruits and vegetables. Many people say that these juices taste much better than soda can, which is why it’s so much easier to follow a diet when you know you’ll be enjoying your drinks!
2. Steps by steps on Doing Homemade Juice Cleanse?
Step 1: Get your fruits and veggies ready!
The first thing you’ll need to do is gather the ingredients for your homemade juices. You can find many healthy recipes on the Internet, so try searching for “juice cleanse recipes” or something similar to get ideas. If you want to use vegetables in addition to fruits, feel free! Just be sure that they’re organic since you don’t want pesticides in your diet… especially when doing a juice cleanse.
Step 2: Start juicing!
Once you have all of the ingredients, place them inside a high-speed blender along with some filtered water (or coconut water). Blend everything together until the mixture is very smooth before drinking it right away. The best time for cleansing is first thing in the morning and right before bedtime, so plan accordingly.
Step 3: Use a straw to drink your juice mixture!
It might look like a smoothie – and if you want it to be thicker, go ahead and try putting less water or more fruits inside – but make sure that you use a drinking straw when sipping up your juices. It’s important because not only will it help prevent tooth decay, but it’ll also prevent any bloating from occurring as well!
There are lots of healthy juices out there that contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties… yet they can still cause some gas buildup by fermenting inside your stomach. When using a straw, however, this won’t happen since the fluids bypass the mouth entirely. If you don’t have a drinking straw then you can just use a regular one that you might already have at home.
Step 4: Repeat the process as much as possible!
You should make sure to drink your homemade juices every few hours, but if this isn’t possible (or you feel like it and it’s not making you nauseous) then try to space out drinks throughout the day instead.
Just be sure to take your time with them by sipping up your juice slowly rather than gulping down everything in five minutes or less since this could also cause gas buildup inside of your stomach (especially when drinking green juices).
You know what they say – slow and steady wins the race! If necessary, pick yourself up off the ground… because that’s what happens when you laugh so hard… and start back with your juice cleanse all over again!
Step 5: Remember to drink lots of water in between juices.
Since doing a juice cleanse is going to dramatically cut your caloric intake, it can be very important for you to have a good balance – especially if you’re very active during the day. That’s why it’s recommended that you incorporate at least 16 ounces of filtered water into your diet every time after a juice has been consumed.
If you don’t do this then there’s a risk that dehydration will set in due to an excessive loss of fluids from body waste… just another reason why this isn’t the best diet choice if you’ve got extremely strenuous activities scheduled later.
Step 6: Make sure to get plenty of rest!
Speaking of strenuous activities, you’ll want to remember that your body is going through a cleansing process by removing toxins and impurities… which can cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded if too much exertion occurs at once.
If you’re planning on working out during the cleanse then make sure to cut back on the intensity level especially before bedtime since your heart rate could end up starting to spike up higher than usual. This might not be the best recipe for everyone, but it’s definitely an exhilarating way for some people to lose weight fast!
It’s also important to stay hydrated while doing this type of detox dieting, so make sure that you drink some water after each juice to avoid any negative side-effects.
Step 7: There’s no need to chew since you’re not eating solid foods!
One of the best things about working with fruit and vegetable juices is that there’s no need to actually chew anything… even though it might taste like you are. This can sometimes be very difficult if you’re trying out a new juice recipe, but once you get used to it then there won’t be any problems at all!
Plus, if your stomach does start feeling queasy because of something that was made then spitting it back out will help prevent this sensation from getting worse than what’s already occurring inside your body.
Step 8: Just because other people do it, that doesn’t mean you should too.
This might be one of the best times for some people to take a break from their overly busy schedules while getting in touch with some inner peace instead… but it probably isn’t the right time for everyone else.
If you have major medical problems or are pregnant then using a juice cleanse will not only fail to work at all, but it can also cause your symptoms to get even more extreme than before. Plus, if this is an ongoing problem then there’s no reason for you to continue on with something that won’t benefit your lifestyle whatsoever!
Step 9: Drinking juices on-the-go can sometimes lead to accidents since they don’t always taste good together.
While most doctors would recommend that you drink your juices at least one hour before or after eating something solid to avoid this potential problem, it’s still almost guaranteed that someone will happen to forget this little detail during their busy morning routine.
If something does go wrong in this specific situation then the juice could end up spilling out of your mouth and all over your clothing… which might be a good thing if you’ve got something really expensive on! Otherwise, always make sure that you take time out of your schedule to prepare for what needs to be done before starting any type of dieting method.
Step 10: Stay away from certain types of fruits and vegetables if they’re known for causing gas buildup.
Perhaps one area where people often go wrong is by making sure that everything tastes well together when they’re putting together certain fruit and vegetables… which can cause some unpleasant side-effects such as gas buildup.
If something like this does occur then the best way to get rid of it is by drinking cucumber or celery juice since these two types will help cleanse your system in a matter of minutes!
Tips and Guides on Doing Homemade Juice Cleanse
1. Tips on Doing Homemade Juice Cleanse Recipes
a. Stay away from caffeinated products if you plan on using a juice cleanse for weight loss since you’ll be forced to stop drinking them before it’s too late.
It might benefit your overall lifestyle when drinking organic coffee instead, but caffeine is still something that needs to be removed from the body before starting this type of diet or else accidents could happen and cause you or someone else to get hurt in the process.
The best way to ensure this happens is by abstaining from all types of beverages containing caffeine for at least 48 hours before starting any type of juice cleanse and then adding in foods with high levels of vitamin B-12 afterwards so that your energy levels don’t leave you feeling drained.
b. If you choose to use any type of fruit or vegetable juice cleanse for weight loss then make sure that you remove certain ingredients if the taste isn’t too good together.
The key to making a homemade juice cleanse is by finding a way to make everything taste well together with each bite… but if something is going wrong during this process then it might be time to either alter what’s being eaten or come up with a different recipe altogether!
Some examples of items that should be removed from a juice fast if their flavor doesn’t mix well include milk, coffee beans, and avocados since they’re known for causing gas problems if they’re added into someone’s diet without using something else as a filler.
c. Try to avoid recipes where certain ingredients clash with one another during a juice cleanse for weight loss.
A lot of people who decide to go on a juice fast don’t realize that certain fruits and vegetables will not only taste bad together, but they can also conflict with one another when someone is trying to cleanse their body at the same time!
There’s no sense in continuing down this path if you’re going to discover that things just aren’t working as planned… so be sure that you do your research before putting anything into your mouth each day!
d. Start drinking warm juices right away since hot beverages have been known to help those who want to use a juice cleanse for weight loss.
In both Eastern and Western medicine, it has been suggested that adding certain types of fruits and vegetables into the diet will allow an individual to cleanse their body on a more increased level than if they were to drink them cold or at room temperature.
Although some people might not agree with this philosophy, many individuals who are looking for fast weight loss results (without doing any type of exercising) usually determine that drinking warm vegetable juices is one of the easiest ways that you can increase your odds before starting some type of detoxification program.
e. Make sure that you’re focused on what’s being eaten throughout your juice cleanse process since some people forget how much food is supposed to be used during each day.
The last thing someone needs while going through a juice cleanse for weight loss is having a bunch of distractions during the day… so if you’re planning on eating this way for more than one day then it might be best to leave electronic devices behind and figure out how much fresh produce needs to be eaten each day before starting anything.
Most people who use this diet don’t realize that they should also drink at least 64 ounces of water between every session, but avoiding doing this could lead to several different types of issues including problems with constipation later on down the road!
f. If possible, try using organic ingredients when making homemade juice recipes for weight loss since these are normally grown without any type of pesticides or chemicals.
It’s pretty simple to find an over-the-counter detox program that will make you feel better about yourself since there are dozens of unique ways that you can lose weight without having to think about all that much… but if you’re really committed to learning the best way to cleanse your body, then it’s important for you to find an organic juice fast.
Even though this might cost a bit more money up front, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem since fruits and vegetables have been known to last longer when they’ve been raised in better conditions rather than being loaded with chemicals or pesticides!
g. If possible, try searching for people who have done a juice fast before since they might know which foods will help burn fat during this process.
There are tons of websites out there where you have the chance of finding someone who has gone through the juice fast process themselves and can tell you about their results… so if you’re struggling to figure out exactly how this diet works then it might be a good idea for you to search through the forums and social media pages of other people.
The last thing someone needs while going through a detoxification process like this is having to find out everything by trial and error, so be sure that you do your homework before starting anything!
h. Make sure that your juices are between 200-400 calories or they won’t work as well during a juice cleanse for weight loss.
One of the biggest problems with most home-made juice recipes is that they end up having way too many calories… which means that instead of losing weight, someone will gain it! Because of this, it’s extremely important for you to avoid any juices that have more than 400 calories per serving or else they probably won’t be as effective as they should be.
Even though most people think that drinking only vegetable and fruit juices for a day would automatically improve their health (and help them lose weight) – this couldn’t be further from the truth since these types of drinks can actually cause someone to consume several hundred additional calories each day.
i. When attempting to lose weight through juice cleansing, make sure that you keep your portions under control otherwise you’ll end up gaining pounds instead of losing them.
Just like pretty much everything else in life, when an individual starts making changes towards reaching their long term goals… there are going to be some challenges.
The most likely issue you’ll have with this diet is being forced to eat less food than normal since the overall caloric intake is reduced dramatically… but if you’re anything like the average person, then it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll start eating more at lunch and dinner during the day.
For someone who doesn’t have much experience losing weight without having to do anything else, it can be quite scary when faced with eating less healthy foods throughout the day but this problem will go away with time!
j. If possible, try getting plenty of rest during your juice cleanse for weight loss since protein synthesis happens most often around 8 hours after sleep .
Since protein synthesis gives your body energy to burn fat cells (which are the cells that are targeted during a juice cleanse for weight loss), it’s important for you to try your best to get at least 8 hours of rest each night after starting this diet.
If possible, you should use the same bedding when trying to sleep although having trouble falling asleep can be common when consuming less sugars and carbohydrates throughout the day.
k. Make sure that you’re drinking lots of water since it will help your body flush out any toxins or harmful substances in your system before they can cause damage.
It’s pretty much anyone’s guess how many people have died from not drinking enough water over the years, but according to some statistics it’s probably something along the lines of thousands… so if you want to have a better chance of living through the next 5-10 years (by avoiding diseases like cancer) then it’s probably a good idea to make sure that you’re drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day.
The human body is roughly 60% water, so if your internal fluids are too low then you might end up dying even though this problem can be fixed by simply increasing the amount of water you drink on a daily basis.
Since our bodies are made up of nearly 50% muscle tissue… shuttling nutrients around the blood stream becomes much harder when not enough water is being consumed which means that it becomes virtually impossible for someone to lose weight without making sure that they’re consuming enough fluids!
l. Make sure that one your goals during a juice cleanse is to lose weight, but don’t expect it to happen overnight since healthy results take time.
If you’re attempting to lose anywhere between 5-20 pounds then one of the best things that you can do for yourself is use a juice cleanse for weight loss program.
Depending on how many toxins are currently entering your system, it’s possible to see noticeable changes in less than 24 hours so even if you can only drink water with lemon juice during this diet… chances are your body will be able to burn some fat cells within the next day or so!
Although losing more than 20 pounds probably won’t happen unless someone has been entering into a new phase of puberty over the last 6 months, using a few of these strategies combined together should help you lose a few pounds in no time.
m. Use the following strategy when you want to lose weight fast: during the first few days of a juice cleanse for weight loss , try incorporating green vegetables into your diet along with celery and cucumber. After that, consider adding fruits like apples and bananas into your daily menu.
If you’re trying to use a juice cleanse for weight loss then this is probably one of the best strategies that you could follow since it allows someone to enjoy more flavors without having to drink really boring juices throughout the day.
In order to have success at losing 5-20 pounds in less than 2 weeks, you should know that green vegetables speed up your metabolism while also improving overall health so if possible, you should try to drink at least one glass of green vegetable juice each day.
These vegetables are high in fiber, so they will help you stay full for longer periods of time without consuming too many calories which is what makes them the optimal choice when trying to lose weight fast .
n. Follow these steps if you’re serious about losing weight:
Step 1: Use a juicer that extracts the most nutrients from fruits and vegetables during your daily juice cleanse for weight loss.
Step 2: Make sure that you’re using enough fluids throughout the day.
Step 3: Try not to consume lots of caffeine or sugars since they can slow down fat burning processes within the body.
Using a juicer that extracts a lot of nutrients from fruits and vegetables is definitely a good idea, but drinking enough fluids throughout the day can be difficult if someone doesn’t eat lots of fruits and vegetables which is why it’s important to make sure that you’re consuming enough liquids throughout each 24 hour period.
In order to lose between 5-20 pounds in less than 2 weeks, you should also avoid unhealthy substances since caffeine slows down the fat burning process while sugars cause insulin levels within the body to shoot up really high before dropping back down to zero.
2. Juice Recipes when Homemade Juice Cleanse for Weight Loss
a. Green Monster Juice Recipe:
This juice is probably one of the best green juices that you could make for yourself during a juice cleanse for weight loss since it’s easy to digest and contains lots of nutrients including vitamin A, iron, calcium and Vitamin C.
Since this recipe uses cucumbers and celery, it’s not going to taste like your typical green juice so if possible… use organic vegetables in order to limit the amount of pesticides that you’re consuming on a daily basis which will help speed up fat burning processes within the body.
While some people don’t consider using ginger in their juice recipes, when combined with pears and apples… this combination makes an excellent substitute for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding since fresh ginger helps to improve digestion and allows for nutrients such as iron to get into the body faster.
What You Need:
1 cucumber (organic if possible).
4 celery sticks (organic if possible).
2 pears (organic if possible).
1 apple (organic if possible).
7-9 thin slices of fresh ginger (organic if possible).
How to Make It:
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Put all ingredients except for the apple through a juicer.
3. Stir in the apple, add some ice cubes if desired and drink while it’s still cold!
b. Garden Vegetable Juice Recipe:
This is another green juice recipe that you can use during your daily juice cleanse for weight loss since it’s rich in antioxidants and contains lots of minerals including selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
The radishes, carrots and kale are full of nutrients that speed up fat burning processes while also improving overall health so drinking this juice each day should help you lose weight quickly without experiencing too many negative side effects.
What You Need:
5 celery stalks (organic if possible).
1 handful fresh parsley (organic if possible).
1 cucumber (organic if possible).
2 large red radishes (organic if possible).
4 medium sized carrots (organic if possible).
3 broccoli florets (organic if possible).
½ bunch kale leaves (organic if).
How to Make It:
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Put all ingredients except for the cucumber, broccoli and kale through a juicer.
3. Stir in the cucumber, add some ice cubes if desired and drink while it’s still cold!
c. Pineapple Green Brok Juice Recipe:
If you’re looking for a delicious juice recipe that contains lots of nutrients during your daily juice cleanse for weight loss, then this one is definitely worth trying out since it’s rich in Vitamin B6 which can help speed up metabolism within the body so that more calories are burned each day.
What You Need:
1 whole pineapple (organic if possible).
3-5 carrots (organic if possible).
4 sticks of celery (organic if possible).
How to Make It:
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Put all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy!
d. Green Ginger Smoothie Recipe:
This green smoothie makes a perfect snack, breakfast or lunch so if you’re looking for something that’s easy to digest then this is definitely the recipe for you .
What You Need:
1 banana (organic if possible).
1 organic apple (cored with skin on but seeds removed).
½ bunch kale leaves (organic if possible).
A handful of fresh mint leaves (organic if possible).
1 stick of celery (organic if possible).
½ inch slice of ginger root (organic if possible) 4-5 ice cubes.
How to Make It:
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Put the ice cubes (first), banana, celery and mint through a juicer.
3. Peel and core apple, cut into quarters then put it in the blender along with kale leaves and ginger root. 4. Blend on high until smooth and serve!
e. Carrot-Lime and Cilantro Drink Recipe:
If you’re looking for an excellent juice recipe that’s made from fruits and vegetables that can help speed up digestion as well as improve your overall health … this is definitely the one to try out!
While not everyone will enjoy the taste of this juice since there are lots of unique flavors going on here, those who do it regularly should notice improvements within the first few weeks since it improves the overall health of your digestive system .
What You Need:
1 handful fresh cilantro (organic if possible).
2 medium sized carrots (organic if possible).
4-5 small thin cucumber slices (organic if possible).
1 lime (organic if possible).
How to Make It:
1. Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
2. Put all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy! Conclusion Although green juice isn’t for everyone, those who do it regularly on a regular basis should notice significant improvements within the first month or so. Once you get past the taste of each recipe, you’ll soon learn to appreciate everything that’s going on here and will come to crave these types of healthy juices regularly.
Still, it’s important to remember that if you want the best results possible make sure to only drink these juices on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and never juice fast for longer than 5 days at a time since this can lead to many negative side effects including headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps or even dizziness.
3. Common Mistakes when Doing Homemade Juice Cleanse
One thing that many people don’t realize when they start a juice cleanse is that even natural fruit and vegetable juices can be harmful to your health if you drink them in excess… In fact, drinking too much fresh fruit or vegetable juice can actually make you sick since it can cause digestive upset, nausea, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms.
4. What the Experts Say about the Dangers of a Homemade Juice Cleanse
According to Dr. Andrew Weil , a well-known medical expert from Harvard University: “The dangers of juicing are threefold:
a. Loss of fiber.
b. Loss of key nutrients because many key nutrients such as vitamin A precursors called carotenoids are fat soluble so they leach out into the juice pulp.
c. Overload of sugar (from fruit) and loss of energy (longer term).
What Does this Mean?
Basically, what Dr. Andrew Weil is telling us here is that fresh juices should never be used as a substitute for whole fruits or vegetables… And that juicing removes fiber which can lead to digestive problems, malnutrition , loss of energy and other issues since your body isn’t able to process the vitamins like it normally would when you eat whole fruits or vegetables.
Another common problem with homemade juice cleanses is simply drinking too much juice all at once which can lead to nausea, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms. If you do decide to follow through with a homemade juice cleanse, make sure to drink these juices slowly over the course of 2-3 hours rather than all at once.
5. Making Homemade Juice Cleanse is Easy?
One common mistake that many people make with homemade juice cleanses is thinking that they’re going to save a lot of time and money by making their own juices at home instead of buying them from the store… Unfortunately, even if you start with good quality fruits and vegetables – juicing them yourself can be difficult and time consuming – not to mention difficult on your wallet as well!
6. What About Making Homemade Juices in a Blender?
Another common mistake is thinking that you can use blenders such as the Vitamix or Blendtec to create healthy smoothies rather than juices… This isn’t true though since a blender isn’t going to separate out the fiber from whole fruits and vegetables like a juicer will.
A good quality juicer on the other hand is designed with this purpose in mind so you get all of the key nutrients from each fruit or vegetable… In fact, many people have been using the same juice extractor for decades because they last so long!
7. What About Blending my Own Juices?
Just because you can’t use a blender to make juices doesn’t mean that there aren’t healthy smoothies you can make instead that are just as nutritious , if not more nutritious. You can also add things like protein powder, nuts and even certain types of milk depending on what your goals are.
The bottom line here is that homemade juice is NOT a good way of getting the key nutrients, vitamins and minerals our bodies need. You should also make sure to limit your intake of fruit juices since these can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts depending on how much sugar is in them.
Common Question Related with Homemade Juice Cleanse FAQs
I’ve included this section so you can find out the answers to some of the most common questions with regards to homemade juice cleanses. Hopefully, these will help give you a better idea as to whether or not they’re right for you…
1. How Much Juice Should I Drink Daily?
Answer: The general recommended amount is anywhere from 8-16 ounces per day depending on your overall health and weight. If you’re extremely active with a high metabolism , then it’s okay to drink more juice since your body will be able to process it faster without any issues.
2. How Long Do They Last?
Answer: Most juice cleanse periods last anywhere from 1-10 days depending on what diet plan you were following before hand and how long you need to detox .
3. What About High Blood Pressure?
Answer: If you have high blood pressure, then it’s best to avoid using a juice cleanse since it can make things a lot worse. If you’ve been following a low sodium diet for some time now and your levels are under control, then you should be okay with a 3-5 day period of juicing every now and again.
4. How Much Weight Will I Lose?
Answer: Most people lose anywhere from 2-7 pounds during their first week depending on what they eat before and how much weight they need to lose. For example if you’re just looking to detox , then it will most likely be less than this figure, but if you’re doing it as part of a calorie deficit diet plan , then the results will probably be higher.
5. Should I Avoid Salads When Juicing?
Answer: You should definitely avoid salads when on a juice cleanse since these are high in fiber and won’t help with your detox efforts. In fact, it’s best if you stick to fruits, vegetables and other types of juices that will allow you to get the key nutrients your body needs.
6. How Long Does It Take To Detox?
Answer: A good detox period on homemade juices usually takes anywhere from 1-5 days depending on what type of diet plan you were on before hand.
7. Is a Homemade Juice Cleanse Right for Me?
Answer: The simple answer is… It all depends! Ask yourself whether or not you have the time, money and motivation to complete something like this successfully first. If you do, then go ahead and give it a shot if you think it will help with whatever health issue you’re facing.
In this blog post, we’ve provided Steps by Steps on How to Do Homemade Juice Cleanse? Besides that we showed a list of simple yet effective tips for making juice cleanse recipes at home. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please feel free to email us and one of our experts will be happy to answer your questions! Tell us which tip is your favorite in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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