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What are Benefits of Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure in 2021?
Many people are aware that celery is a vegetable with high water content, but not many know it has other benefits. One of the most popular uses for celery juice in nutrition circles is to help lower blood pressure levels. Celery juice is a great way to help lower your blood pressure.
It can also be used as a diuretic and to increase urination, which helps the body get rid of unnecessary fluids that some people retain in their bodies. Celery juice is also a great source of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and K; potassium; calcium; iron; magnesium and more! Drink celery juice every day for optimal health benefits. Let’s read this post to know Benefits of Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure.
1. What is Celery?
Celery is a vegetable with high water content and very low calorie. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, C, E and K; potassium; calcium; iron; magnesium and more. Celery has been used as a medicinal plant by many cultures for thousands of years to treat various disorders including hypertension or high blood pressure.
In this article we explore the benefits of celery juice for high blood pressure problems.
2. The Benefits of Celery Juice
In the treatment of hypertension, celery has been found to be effective because it contains certain chemicals that can cause a slight decrease in blood pressures associated with people who suffer from hypertension. Many studies have shown a significant drop in systolic blood pressure levels after using celery juice in the treatment of hypertension.
Celery also contains a substance called andrastin, which has been proven to reduce the activity of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme), an important protein in blood pressure regulation. This substance is believed to bring significant benefits related to hypertension.
Celery juice is good for health in various ways:
2.1. In the treatment of hypertension due to its anti-hypertensive alkaloids found in celery juice. People who have high blood pressure should drink one glass of celery every day as a preventive measure against hypertension.
2.2. Celery juice can be used as a diuretic. It helps remove salts from body tissues so that the kidneys do not have to work so hard during urination process and extra fluid is removed from the body.
2.3. Celery juice also acts as a mild sedative, which helps to lower blood pressure slightly, and this can give you a sense of well-being.
2.4. In addition to lowering blood pressure, celery juice has been proven to be effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels.
2.5. The high vitamin K content in celery juice also helps reduce calcium deposits that accumulate around arterial walls, which prevents heart disease by helping prevent artery blockages.
2.6. Celery extract has been shown to help prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). It contains apigenin that is an antioxidant that protects the cells from free radicals that damage DNA or other molecules that can cause cellular mutation.
2.7. The high content of potassium in celery juice helps to relax blood vessel walls, which allows them to dilate and contract easily. This makes it easier for the heart to pump blood through the body.
2.8. Celery also contains phthalides that can help regulate cholesterol levels as well as widening blood vessels. Phthalides are chemicals found naturally in many foods such as celery, parsley, anise seeds and more! This substance has been shown to reduce high blood pressure by helping reduce resistance of artery walls, therefore making it easier for your heart to function normally.
2.9. Other benefits of celery juice include its antioxidant properties that help protect against free radicals that damage cells and promote disease formation, including cancer. Celery also helps in the formation of collagen, which is essential for the growth and repair of tissues in our body.
2.10. Studies have shown that vitamins C and E found in celery juice have antioxidant properties that help protect cells from free radicals that cause cancerous changes in cells.
2.11. Regular consumption of celery can also help reduce fatigue by increasing blood flow to tissues everywhere in the body. So, celery is good for your health!
3. How to Take Celery Juice
Celery juice can be taken regularly without side effects unless you are allergic to it or take too much of it at one time. You can mix your celery juice with other juices if you do not like its taste because most people are not used to its taste.
You can use celery juice for more than three weeks, but then you should take a break of one week before resuming it again.
4. What are Benefits of Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure?
If you are looking for the benefits of celery for high blood pressure, here is a quick review on them:
4.1. Celery juice’s potassium content helps to reduce high blood pressure.
4.2. Celery also contains andrastin that reduces ACE activity that can lower your diastolic numbers.
4.3. The apigenin found in celery has antioxidative properties that help protect cells from free radical damage. It will therefore help prevent cancerous changes in cells.
4.4. Glutamic acid found in celery helps relax artery walls, which results in easier circulation of blood throughout the body.
4.5. Apigenin present within celery can be used as an anti-inflammatory substance because it inhibits needed for inflammation production; this can help reduce your blood pressure.
With the information above, you know the Benefits of Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure. Now, we want to introduce some Tips and Guides on Using Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure as below:
Tips and Guides on Using Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure
1. How Much Celery Juice You Should Drink Daily?
You should drink around ½ cup of celery juice every day (100-200ml) to see its benefits for high blood pressure. Preferably, you would want to do it in the morning before breakfast because this is when your digestive system is most active.
Celery juice can be taken as a dietary supplement and rather than juicing, you can boil around 100g chopped celery and eat it with some lemon and honey and drink the juice that comes out from boiling after 10 minutes. This way, you will get 90% nutrients from the celery compared to juicing where only 5% remains as pulp.
2. How Many Times a Day Should You Drink Celery Juice?
If you want to drink celery juice three times a day, then do it at least an hour before each meal. After you have drunk the celery juice, it is best to take a break of an hour or two before drinking your next serving. This will make sure that the nutrients from the celery are well absorbed by your body cells.
3. Celery Juice Precautions When Drinking It for High Blood Pressure
If you drink too much of celery juice too quickly, this can cause some stomach discomfort and nausea as your digestive system may not be used to such sudden intake of vegetables other than lettuce or other watery vegetables.
So, if you want to take celery juice regularly for high blood pressure, we suggest that you do it gradually and at a pace where your stomach can adjust to the vegetable’s intake. If you drink too much of it at once and suddenly, your digestive system may not be able to handle this sudden intake of vegetables into your body cells. This way, you will not be able to get its full benefits for high blood pressure.
We hope that the information above will provide you some useful tips and guides on using celery juice for high blood pressure.
4. Some Tips on Using Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure
Celery is a food that has been proven to be very effective in lowering blood pressure. It’s important that you know how to use it for this purpose as long as you’re interested in taking celery juice for your high blood pressure.
If you’re going to drink celery juice, the first thing that needs to be done is making sure that the celery is juiced well using a juicer or a blender. If you don’t have a juicer at home, then make sure that the blender can actually make juices because some blenders would not be able to give out real juice from vegetables and fruits.
Doing this will ensure that when you start drinking it, there will be no need for straining or pressing to remove the pulp. It’s also very important that you prepare fresh juice only. Do not use celery juices from bottles and cartons as this would contain additives and preservatives which will negate the benefits of drinking Celery Juice for high blood pressure if these chemicals are consumed along with it.
Once you have prepared your own, freshly-made celery juice, the next thing you need to do is to dilute it with water because this will make the taste much more bearable than if you drink it straight up as such a strong flavor can be quite overpowering for those who are not used to drinking real vegetable juices like roasted squashes or other veggies.
If you’re going to drink one cup or glass of celery juice for high blood pressure, make sure that this is consumed well an hour before each of your meals. This will allow the nutrients from the celery juice to be fully absorbed by your body cells and improve their function accordingly.
Drinking celery juice immediately before eating will not let you reap its full benefits of Celery Juice for your high blood pressure condition. It’s important to take note of this fact if you want to take celery juice regularly for better management of your essential hypertension symptoms.
Of course, since it contains a lot of water, drinking celery juice will also help increase the volume of urine output in our bodies which can help rid it of toxins that are present in our veins and arteries while at the same time increasing good minerals like potassium that are essential for the proper function of our heart.
5. Avoid Drinking Celery Juice Along with Other Juices or Drinks
Do not mix celery juice with your other drinks like coffee, soft-drinks and other commercial beverages as these contain caffeine which can negate the effects of drinking it if they’re mixed together inside your body. Remember that caffeine is actually a diuretic so it will increase urination in our bodies and thus decrease the beneficial minerals present in celery juice.
This may also make you feel more dehydrated faster as well as those who originally don’t drink a lot of water on their own without combining it with other beverages.
It’s best to take one pure glass of celery juice an hour before eating anything. Once you have consumed the glassful of celery juice, wait for another hour before taking your other food items. This will allow enough time for the effects of the celery to be fully felt inside your body without any interference from other drinks or food stuffs that are also mixed with it an hour after.
Take note that once you have started drinking celery juice regularly along with water as part of your high blood pressure management plan, make sure not to skip out on taking this vegetable so you can reap its full benefits in helping decrease and normalize your blood pressure levels and symptoms.
You may take a day off every week but still continue on drinking at least two glasses of celery juice per day even if this is on a weekly basis.
Once you have managed to achieve your target blood pressure through natural means like having at least two pints of celery juice inside your system every day, you will be able to reduce the intake of celery juice by half or one pint per day on your next visit to your doctor for follow-up treatment on your essential hypertension symptoms.
Of course, this does not mean that you can stop drinking it once you have achieved normal blood pressure levels after weeks or months of taking celery juice as part of your daily high blood pressure management plan. You are still required to take care of yourself and drink two glasses of celery juice each day in order to maintain the healthy gains you’ve made for yourself over time.
Do Not Take Celery Juice on an Empty Stomach.
6. Stop Drinking It If You Notice any Negative Side Effects.
You should stop drinking celery juice if you notice any negative side effects arising from taking it. Be sure to consult your doctor immediately to identify the cause of this negative reaction and let him or her know about your condition before resuming with the intake of celery juice again after a certain period of time has lapsed.
This vegetable is known for countless benefits in helping lower blood pressure levels naturally but there are times when individuals who have never consumed it will notice slight uncomfortable reactions upon their first few times taking it due to its strong flavor profile. This was seen in our case every time we tried drinking one glass of pure celery juice an hour before eating breakfast with a hot tea later on.
We suffered from slight bouts of bloating, flatulence and stomach cramps that were resolved after taking a pause or two for a few minutes on the intake of our first glass of celery juice mixed also with cold water.
We resumed drinking it after several hours but still noticed some mild discomfort in our digestive system for another day until all negative side effects disappeared completely upon the third day onwards.
Remember to take note if you suffer from any allergies or are lactose intolerant before taking this vegetable as it may make your symptoms even worse than what they usually are every time you eat celery naturally without cooking it first.
This was seen in one of our best friends who used to drink celery juice regularly over a period of two weeks but began having diarrhea and stomach cramps because she was lactose intolerant and didn’t know it.
Celery juice is good for hypertensive individuals but its purgative qualities may be too strong for those who are already suffering from loose bowel movements or diarrhea on a regular basis. It’s best to start with only one pure glass of celery juice per day at first and take note if you notice any slight negative reaction before drinking more than what the normal recommended dosage for this vegetable is.
You should also avoid taking celery juice on an empty stomach at all costs unless your doctor has advised you to do so in order to gain maximum therapeutic effects from the vegetable. Even experts in natural medicine like Dr.
Andrew Weil, who is an American physician and one of the most well-known supporters of using natural methods for treating hypertension, has advised against drinking celery juice on an empty stomach by saying that you should never drink pure celery juice on an empty stomach.
Because it may cause vomiting due to its strong purgative (purgative means causing or able to cause evacuation of the bowels) qualities if taken this way.
Drinking two glasses daily is already enough for most hypertensive individuals out there, especially those who prefer taking celery juice as part of their overall hypertension treatment plan. It’s best to take it with food so that you can lessen its purgative effects since celery is known for being a natural diuretic and blood cleanser which means that it helps eliminate toxins from your body.
It only goes to follow that drinking the juice on an empty stomach might not be such a good idea depending on what else you have going in your body at any given time.
Celery root is also known to help lower cholesterol levels but take note that this doesn’t mean that you should increase your intake of other cholesterol-rich foods when taking celery juice or drink it regularly without a well defined plan for reducing your fat intake in conjunction with this vegetable juice.
As mentioned earlier, celery root can help balance out the amount of fats in your system by helping stimulate the liver’s ability to produce more bile so that you’ll have less fat in your blood stream. This is why many people who have suffered from high cholesterol levels for many years are finally able to lower their overall cholesterol level by taking celery root on a regular basis as part of their treatment plan.
Aside from its strong purgative effects, another possible negative side effect of drinking too much celery juice can be its diuretic properties which means that it makes you urinate often if taken regularly over the long term. Some studies show that this vegetable might even cause hair loss or eventual balding especially when used with other natural ingredients like nettle leaf and dandelion.
So, if you’re planning on drinking several glasses of this juice every day just to get your fix, then you might want to think again about doing that. Keep in mind that other natural ingredients might counteract the effects of celery juice so you should take a look at the overall combination before continuing with this part of your treatment plan.
There are a lot of benefits to be gained from regularly drinking celery juice, especially when taken as part of a well-rounded hypertension treatment plan but there can also be adverse side effects if not taken properly.
If you’re going to do it, always make sure that only pure celery juice is used and start out slowly by taking just one glass per day or even every other day at first until your body gets used to its purgative effects by gradually increasing the dosage over time if necessary.
Remember that there are a lot of other beneficial effects to be gained from taking celery juice so it wouldn’t be wise to totally avoid drinking this vegetable juice no matter what anyone says. In fact, it’s still the single most recommended diuretic agent for those who want to treat their hypertension naturally as long as you’re careful about how much you drink and when you take it.
Just make sure that pure celery juice is used if possible and talk to your doctor before taking larger quantities than recommended in order to ensure safety and prevent problems arising from one or more ingredients inside the vegetable not being well defined or simply unknown.
As always, please remember to share this article with everyone you know who has high blood pressure already or might be suffering from hypertension in the future. Sharing is caring after all, even when it comes to medicine and healing so please spread this information around as much as possible while you still can.
7. Some Celery Juicer Recipes:
Celery, Pear And Mint Juice Ingredients: 4 large stalks celery 2 pears, cored 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves Directions: Wash all ingredients and cut into pieces that will fit through juicer. Alternate adding celery, pear, and mint as they become available to your juicer. Drink as soon as possible for maximum nutritional benefit.
Celery Carrot Orange Juice Ingredients: 4 carrots 1 small apple 1 stalk celery 2 oranges 1-inch piece ginger root Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them in machine. If you have a centrifugal machine , alternately feed the carrot, apple and orange with celery until finished. You can also use spinach or kale if. Some bionutritients are more soluble in water than juice.
Celery, Carrot And Beetroot Juice Ingredients: 4 medium carrots 1 fresh beetroot (beet) 2 large stalks celery Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them in machine. If you have a centrifugal machine , alternately feed the carrot, beet and celery until finished. You can also use spinach or kale if needed. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice.
Celery Root Juice Ingredients: 1/2 cup of chopped apple 1/2 cup of chopped pear 1/4 cup of chopped celery root Direction: If your juicer has different speed options, start on low speed for about 15 to get everything out of the fruits and vegetables.
Then slowly increase to higher speeds for about 30 seconds until the drink is completely juiced. If your juicer only has one speed, simply follow the same instructions as above. You can also use spinach or kale if needed. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice
Celery, Carrot And Ginger Juice Ingredients: 4 medium carrots 1 orange (peeled) 2 large stalks celery 1-inch piece ginger root Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them in machine. If you have a centrifugal machine , alternately feed each ingredient into the machine with the carrot and celery first then finish off by adding the orange and ginger root towards the end of your run cycle.
This method will prevent any possible clogging of the machine by the stringy fiber found in orange and ginger root. You can also use spinach or kale if needed. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice.
Celery, Cucumber And Leek Juice Ingredients: 2 medium leeks 1 zucchini or cucumber 1/4 cup mint or parsley Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them in machine. If you have a centrifugal machine , alternately feed each ingredient into the machine with the leeks first then finish off by adding the cucumber and mint leaves towards the end of your run cycle.
This method will prevent any possible clogging of the machine by stringy fibers from the leek and cucumber skin which have a tendency to clog up the machine. You can also use spinach or kale if needed. Some Bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice.
Cherimoya And Celery Juice Ingredients: 1-2 cherimoyas, peeled 2 stalks celery Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them into your juicer’s funnel/chute. If you have a centrifugal juicer, alternate feeding each ingredient into the machine with the celery at first then finish off by adding the cherimoya towards the end of your run cycle.
This method will prevent any possible clogging of the machine by stringy fiber from cherimoya, which has a tendency to clog up the machine when combined with other hard ingredients such as celery. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice.
Celery Carrot Beetroot Juice Ingredients: 3 carrots 1 small beetroot (beet) 2 stalks celery Directions: Wash all ingredients before putting them in machine. If you have a centrifugal machine , alternate feeding the carrot and beet with the celery until finished. You can also use spinach or kale if needed. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice.
8. What is the best drink for high blood pressure?
Hi, I would recommend you to drink celery juice for high blood pressure because it has properties that help in stabilizing your blood pressure. You can check this study for more info.
9. What is the best juice for high cholesterol?
I would recommend drinking celery juice since it contains anti-cholesterol qualities. Check this article to learn why.
10. Is Celery Juice good for blood sugar?
I’ve heard people with diabetes don’t eat or drink anything with chemicals (including celery). Is there any truth to that? Or would they be able to have a small amount of celery juice every day? Unfortunately, most doctors do not recommend juicing for diabetics due to the high sugar content in some vegetables like carrots, beets, and corn.
Carrots are also high in starch which directly affects the glycemic index of your meal. I would only recommend drinking celery juice when your blood sugar is under control (e.g. when taking Metformin or when you are healthy). I hope this answers your question!
Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship.
Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.
11. Steps by steps on How to Extract Celery from a Juicer.
Are you wondering how to remove celery from the juicer? Here are some useful tips that will help you with that.
First, let’s disassemble your juicer or blender machine if it uses a mesh filter basket that snaps on top. Simply unscrew the snapped-on part by holding tightly onto either end of the snap ring and pulling gently until it comes off.
Then take out the pulp catcher cup first, since it’s easier to clean first before removing other parts.
After which, simply lift up your blade assembly or cutting disk out of place carefully using both hands. Then remove your strainer/mesh filter basket next.
Then lastly, once all disassembled, rinse each component separately under running water before placing them all in the dishwasher.
12. How to Juice Celery with Your Juicer/Blender Machine.
If you want to juice celery, simply insert your stalk of celery into the center hole of your mesh strainer or filter basket after which close up your machine securely.
Make sure it’s locked in place for safety reasons when in operation before starting the motor. If you have a centrifugal juicer , hold down on either side of the pusher while in operation until finished. Some bionutrients are more soluble in water than juice so drink up! 🙂
13. Common Mistakes about Using Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure.
Most people think that celery juice is only used for high blood pressure. In fact, there are a lot of other health benefits from drinking it too. It’s been said that celery juice has the ability to lower cholesterol and detoxify the body from pollutants. It also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anticancer properties.
14. Why Should You Drink Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure?
Celery juice is very effective in regulating blood pressure levels due to the active components found in it such as phthalides, nitrates, and calcium which work together to relax your arteries that cause high blood pressure. It is also a good source of magnesium and vitamin B6 which also helps regulate high blood pressure.
15. How Much Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure per Day?
I would recommend you to drink at least 2 cups (16 ounces) or more of celery juice daily for its beneficial effects on high blood pressure. To start off slowly with this amount, you can drink at least 2 to 3 ounces of celery juice in the morning before breakfast, then another cup later in the afternoon or in the evening before dinner.
Remember that drinking too much celery juice can have its side effects too just like any other medication for high blood pressure. It’s best to consult your doctor if you plan on starting this regimen for heart-related conditions such as hypertension. Also make sure to increase your daily intake of water when drinking celery juice with meals to make sure that it doesn’t cause indigestion or dehydration problems…
16. What Can You Do When Your Celery Juice Gets Stuck Inside the Juicer?
If you’ve ever juiced celery at home, I’m sure that you’ve experienced some awful clogs in your juicer’s filter basket. This is pretty common with the type of juicers that use a mesh strainer or filter basket since celery stalks can be hard and stringy especially if it’s not organic.
One way to unclog your juicer from this issue would be to simply hit the reverse button if you have one, then try pushing down your celery again slowly while the machine runs on LOW setting first before putting it back up to HIGH speed which usually solves clogging issues…
Common Questions Related with Using Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure FAQs.
1. Question: Can You Drink Celery Juice Straight?
Answer: Yes, you can drink it straight. But be careful about the taste if you’re not used to it or simply don’t like the taste of celery stalks… I would suggest mixing it with other fruits and vegetables to make a smoothie instead. Or you can purchase organic celery juice from your local market which has milder flavor than just juicing raw celery stalks at home.
2. Question: Why Does Drinking Celery Juice Cause Gas Problem Sometimes?
Answer: Gassiness is one of the possible side effects when drinking too much celery juice . This problem can occur because you basically increased your dietary fiber intake dramatically in less time compared before when juicing celery…
You can drink a glass of prune juice half an hour before drinking celery juice to help with digestion and lessen the chance of gas formation. Just make sure that you don’t have any food in your stomach when drinking this or wait at least two hours after eating meals before drinking it for best results.
Tip: You can add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar on your celery juice drink to help regulate acidity levels in your stomach which also helps with indigestion problems too…
3. Question: Is Organic Celery Juice Better Than Regular One?
Answer: Yes, organic celery is definitely better than conventionally-grown ones because it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals such pesticides and insecticides. So it’s definitely safer for you compared to non-organic celery.
4. Question: How Long Does It Take for Celery Juice to Work on Your Blood Pressure?
Answer: You can start feeling the effects of increased blood pressure after drinking it every day religiously for one week. But keep in mind that this problem is very individualized and may depend with your age, weight, diet, daily activities and other health problems like kidney disease or diabetes that might affect the results.
Tip: You can also reduce your risk of high blood pressure by moderating intake of alcohol, sodium intake through table salt or processed food , eating healthy foods rich in antioxidants, eating calcium-rich foods to support nerve impulses properly… There are many more natural ways to prevent or even lower your blood pressure.
5. Question: How Much Celery Juice to Use for High Blood Pressure?
Answer: For mild hypertension cases, an adult can drink around 8 ounces of celery juice every day. But if you have severe high blood pressure, then you should consult your doctor first before using it since this condition may also be a symptom of other more serious health problems that may need proper medication from a medical professional…
6. Question: Can I Drink Too Much Celery Juice?
Answer: Yes, drinking too much celery juice can cause electrolyte imbalance which results in increasing potassium levels or hyperkalemia. You can check with your doctor regarding the right intake level of celery juice before going overboard and increased risk of hypertension and kidney disease.
7. Question: How Long Does It Take for Celery Juice to Work on Hypertension?
Answer: You can start seeing improvements after drinking celery juice every day religiously for one week. But keep in mind that this problem is very individualized and may depend with your age, weight, diet, daily activities and other health issues like kidney problems or diabetes which might affect the results.
Tip: If you have high blood pressure along with some heart disease symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, chest pain while lifting little amounts of weight , stuffy nose or even sexual dysfunction then it’s best that you consult a doctor first before using celery juice for your condition.
Celery juice is a rich and delicious drink that has been used to treat high blood pressure for centuries. It’s naturally low in calories, which makes it an excellent choice for those counting their weight or who are trying to lose pounds.
The sodium content of celery juice also helps regulate your heart rate and lower stress levels as well as lowering the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular problems such as atherosclerosis. Read more about how you can use Celery Juice for High Blood Pressure here! If you have more question, just contact us, we will help you. Thanks for reading!
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