Top 12 Best Juicer Recipes for Weight Loss – Good Tips in 2021
Juicing is a great way to add more vegetables and fruit into your diet. It can also be a great, healthier option for people on weight loss journeys. This blog post will give you the top 12 best juicer recipes for weight loss that we’ve found in our research. Read on to find out more about these awesome recipes and get tips from experts!
1. What are benefits of Juicer?
a. Weight Loss – The juicing process extracts a lot of the calories from fruits and vegetables, which is good for people who are trying to lose weight.
b. Nutrition – When you drink a glass of juice, you’re getting a whole lot more nutrients than if you were to eat the same servings in their original form. There’s been recent debate as to the true efficiency of juicing, but many still stand by it as being an actual healthier option because it gives your body immediate access to nutrients that your body soaks up quickly.
c. Detoxification – You can expect a significant detoxification within your body when drinking juices regularly throughout the day because there’s no fiber left inside the liquid after being extracted from fruits and vegetables. This means that all the toxins inside your body will be flushed out a lot faster and make you feel better too!
d. Energy – Many people notice an increase in their energy levels after starting to drink juices regularly because it’s a great way for your body to get quick access to high nutrient foods, which gives you more energy throughout the day.
e. Easy Recipes – Juicing is actually quite simple as long as you’re following recipes. There are many easy juicing recipes online that don’t require any fancy kitchen appliances at all or any ingredients that are hard to find either. You can use pretty much whatever fruits and vegetables you wish if they’re roughly the same size and follow some of these juicer recipe guides in this post below:
2. Top 12 Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss
Most people who want to lose weight try going on a fad diet. Some will work for a while but most of them fail over the long run. People end up gaining back all the weight they lost and then some more as soon as they stop that latest short term fix diet.
The reason these diets fail is because your body needs real food to function properly and you simply can’t get enough nutrients from those packaged “diet” foods full of artificial colors, preservatives and other dangerous chemicals! These Juicer Recipes for weight loss are a great way to detoxify your body and lose a little extra weight at the same time!
2.1. Lemon Ginger Detox Drink
When you hear the words natural detox, what comes to mind? Chances are you think of some fancy herbal supplements with hard to pronounce ingredients that don’t work. That’s not what this juicer recipe is all about at all! It can help flush out toxins from your liver and get rid of bloat in your belly too!
What we need?
1 lemon.
1/4″ piece of ginger.
How to prepare?
Peel the ginger.
Wash all ingredients thoroughly.
Juice the lemon and ginger using a masticating juicer. A centrifugal juicer will not be able to extract juice from the tough ginger root properly.
How to make?
Pour the juice in a glass and drink immediately.
If you want to add more flavor, you can add organic honey or stevia to sweeten it up a little bit.
2.2 Sweet Potato Power Glow Juice
Have you ever noticed how awesome people who eat clean seem to glow? There’s a reason for it- they’re healthier than most people because their body isn’t filled up with junk. This juice recipe is jam packed with enough nutrients so you’ll look like a million bucks too!
What we need?
1 sweet potato.
1/2 cucumber.
1 carrot.
1 celery stalk.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Peel the carrots and sweet potatoes if they’re not organic.
Juice the celery, cucumber and sweet potato using a normal or masticating juicer. If you have a centrifugal juicer, juice the carrots and then mix everything together in a cup or bowl and enjoy!
How to make?
Pour the juice in a glass and drink immediately. Pour some over ice for more refreshment on hot days!
2.3 Cucumber Melon Detox Drink
If there was ever a time cocktail hour at a spa, this would be it! This is a great detox recipe because cucumbers are filled with water so you’ll stay hydrated and not feel hungry. The cantaloupe adds to the sweetness of this drink so you won’t have to add additional sugar from fruit either!
What we need?
1 cucumber.
1/4 cantaloupe.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Peel the cucumber if it’s not organic or wash it but don’t peel it!
How to make?
Juice the cucumber and melon with a normal or masticating juicer in a high speed blender. Pour in a glass and enjoy with some ice cubes!
2.4 Blueberry Kale Juice
You might think that kale is just for salads but once again you’re wrong. It’s also a great ingredient in any juice recipe too! Not only does it give your juice a delicious flavor, but the nutrients will help reduce inflammation in your body over time.
What we need??
1/2 cup blueberries.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems of the blueberries before juice them.
Juice the blueberries using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender .
How to make?
Pour your juice into a cup and drink immediately! Yummmmmmmyyyy!
2.5 Beet Apple Carrot Ginger Juice
Beets aren’t only good as side dishes anymore- they make an appearance as an awesome ingredient in this juicing recipe that will give you an added energy boost over the next few hours. Beets are also great to detox with too, so this is a win win!
What we need??
1 beet.
1 green apple.
1/2″ piece of ginger.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the apple before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the beet, apples and ginger using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender .
2.6 Strawberry Carrot Beet-Aid Juice
Fresh fruits and veggies are the best ingredients for juicing because there’s no room for any artificial colors or flavors in these recipes. This one happens to be strawberry flavored because of all the fresh strawberries used but you can substitute them out if you prefer another flavor instead.
What we need?
1/2 lb strawberries.
1 beet.
1 carrot.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the strawberries before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the beets, carrots and strawberries using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender.
2.7 Tropical Detox Smoothie
There’s nothing better than waking up in the morning after having a good night’s sleep and enjoying a tropical tasting smoothie that will energize your body enough to get through your day You’ll love how easy it is to make this juicer recipe and how much energy it will give you!
What we need?
?1 cup watermelon.
1/2 cup pineapple.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the watermelon before juice them.
Juice the watermelon and then blend everything together in a high speed blender. Enjoy!
How to make?
Pour your juice into a glass and enjoy immediately! It’s that easy!
2.8 Carrot Apple Ginger Juice
When in doubt, go with a classic juice combination like carrot and apple. The carrots in this juicer recipe gives you the sweetness that’s needed to mask the strong flavor of ginger that can be hard to work into other recipes. You’ll love how energizing this smoothie is too!
What we need?
1 green apple.
4 carrots.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the apple before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the apples and carrots using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender.
2.9 Carrot Beet Ginger Smoothie
This is an extremely energizing smoothie that’s perfect for any time of day. The ginger really gives it a kick but you’ll love how good this juicer recipe tastes too!
What we need?
1/2 cup watermelon.
4 carrots.
1 beet.
1″ piece of ginger.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the watermelon before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the watermelon, carrots and beets using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender .
2.10 Blueberry Carrot Ginger Smoothie
Blueberries are an amazing superfood that can help fight off heart disease and cancer because of all their antioxidants. This is one of many benefits that this blueberry carrot ginger smoothie gives you but it also tastes great too!
What we need?
1/2 cup watermelon.
4 carrots.
1 green apple.
1″ piece of ginger.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the apple before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the apples and carrots using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender.
2.11 Winter Green Detox Smoothie
– The best time of year to drink this detox smoothie is during the cold winter months when flu season tends to be more prevalent. You’ll love how energizing this healthy drink is while it helps your body fight off all the bad stuff from the frigid air outside.
What we need?
1/2 cup watermelon.
4 carrots.
1 green apple.
1″ piece of ginger.
2 kale leaves handful of spinach.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the watermelon before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the watermelon and apples using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender.
2.12 Ginger Detox Smoothie
This is a spicy detox smoothie that’s perfect for your morning routine. It will help to boost your metabolism while giving you energy that can last throughout the day. You’ll love how much this easy recipe helps you stay healthy!
What we need?
1/2 cup watermelon.
4 carrots.
2 kale leaves handful of spinach.
1 green apple.
1″ piece of ginger.
How to prepare?
Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Make sure to remove the stems on the apple before juice them.
How to make?
Juice the apples and carrots using a normal or masticating juicer. Once you’re done, mix everything together in a high speed blender.
Above are Top 12 Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss. Now, let move to some Tips and Guides on Making Best Juicer Recipes for Weight Loss
Tips and Guides on Making Best Juicer Recipes for Weight Loss
1. Tips on Using Best Juicer Recipes for Weight Loss
a. Drink water before your meal
Drinking water is definitely the easiest thing you can do to lower your weight. Here, I want to share an interesting experiment with all of you where a 2009 study compared groups that either drank 2 cups of water or didn’t drink any (the control group) prior to their meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The results? By drinking water before your meal, you reduce total calorie intake by 20% which equals up to about 200 calories on average. That’s huge!
b. Drink green tea
Green Tea is another superfood that helps to boost weight loss results. It contains a compound known as catechins which has been shown in scientific studies to increase fat oxidation, the process by which your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs [1]. Here’s one more interesting study about Green Tea with overweight women from Purdue University.
In this 12 week long study, all subjects were instructed not to change their regular diet and exercise routines while half of them also consumed a daily dose of Matcha powder. After the 12 weeks were over, it was clear that those who drank Matcha regularly burned more calories during digestion compared to the group that didn’t drink any Matcha.
c. Start each day with a healthy breakfast
One of the most important factors when it comes to weight loss is to eat a healthy breakfast every morning! Yes, this does mean you have to go out of your way and prepare it in the mornings. But yes again, your body will thank you for it later on when you’re maintaining a slimmer waistline.
Just in case you don’t know what recipe to choose, I’ve got a great example that has been shown to reduce belly fat just in 15 days.
Another tip by Dr. Mercola is avoid juices with fruit due they contain too much sugar which can increase insulin levels in your blood. Eating whole fruits will lower these levels but having large amounts at once can still them. In addition, he recommends adding vegetables to your juices. Vegetables are low in sugar and high in fiber which will slow down the digestion process.
d. Reduce or eliminate meat from your diet
Dr. Mercola suggests that you should reduce or eliminate most types of meats from your diet because most are loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids, chemicals, preservatives and modified corn starch (yes even organic meats).
He also recommends to avoid fatty meat cuts like ribs or sausage if possible since they contain a lot of fat calories. However, leaner cuts like ground beef are fine as long as you make sure they’re grass fed . He says this type of meat is safe because grass fed cows don’t harbor E-coli due their healthier lifestyle outside grazing.
e. Replace water with green juice or herbal tea
In addition to drinking more water, you should also consider replacing other beverages with healthier ones such as Green Tea and Herbal Tea. Don’t know which recipe to choose? Above is a list of Top 12 Weight Loss Juicer Recipes for a Healthy Juice Detox will give you some ideas on what to drink while making your own weight loss recipes at home.
2. How often should I take this juice?
It is up to you! However, the best approach is once in the morning, after lunch and just before dinner/before going to bed if you want maximum benefits from it. In addition, don’t forget that consuming organic fruits and vegetables is preferable.
If not, then wash them thoroughly to reduce pesticide residues.
3. How to choose Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss?
When choosing juice recipes for weight loss, you should be careful with the ingredients since some contain high sugar levels. Remember that not all fruits are low in sugar. For instance, pineapples and bananas don’t have significant amount of fiber which increase their glycemic index value making them worst for weight loss.
However, since most veggies low in sugar but high in fiber, they’re ideal for keeping off extra pounds and improving your health.
4. Steps by Steps on How to use a Juicer to Make Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss.
Different from a blender or a food processor, a juicer extracts the pulp and the juice of fruits and vegetables. In addition, its auger shreds them to extract as much juice as possible without damaging their cells. It’s important that you keep the juice away from air to prolong its shelf life.
If this is your first time using a juicer, it’s best if you check out a recipe book before getting started especially if it’s already assembled in your kitchen. But here are some general steps on how to make weight loss recipes with a juice extractor:
a. Prepare all ingredients since cutting takes around 10 minutes depending on your preferred recipe.
b. Wash each fruit and vegetable thoroughly before putting them in the machine.
c. If you want to make a juice with less pulp, you can use cheesecloth or another type of strainer.
d. Cut large fruits like carrots and apples into smaller pieces for easier processing by your juicer.
e. Press each piece along with any other ingredients if possible.
f. Make sure that the lid is locked properly.
g. Turn on the machine.
h. Pour the juice into two cups.
i. Store it in an airtight container until its consumed.
j. Enjoy!
5. How Does A Juicer Help Me Lose Weight?
Since most people are not aware about how to lose weight easily at home, they resort to quick diets just to shed some pounds fast while sacrificing their health in the process. However, if you’re overweight or obese, here are some good reasons why you should use a juicer to help you lose weight safely at home:
a. You can make your own weight loss recipes.
b. It’s affordable.
c. A juicer helps you produce more juice from the same amount of fruits and vegetables compared with other small kitchen appliances since it extracts pulp and liquids without damaging their cells that way. For instance, one glass of orange juice made out of 4 oranges is healthier than just consuming all four at once.
d. Drinking more homemade juices will also help you meet your recommended daily servings of fruits and veggies which most people don’t achieve on their own via food preparation alone. Optimal health means optimal nourishment, not just minimum amounts.
e. While on a juice diet , you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day since fruits are naturally sweet while veggies are more filling.
f. Juicing also helps improve your digestion and boost your metabolism which will consequently lead to weight loss in time if combined with enough exercise and healthy eating habits.
g. Last but not the least, juicers help save time since you can prepare juices in bulk and store them for consumption later on during the day or when they spoil before consumption. That said, it’s important that you drink freshly squeezed juice instead of canned or bottled ones especially if you’re watching calories.
The latter options contain preservatives which you should avoid at all costs for optimal health benefits so always read the labels of what you buy before making a purchase.
In short, using a juice extractor can help lose weight since it lets you squeeze your own juices at home from fresh fruits and vegetables instead of buying them from supermarkets already prepared. If you’re planning to lose weight on a budget, then that’s an added advantage for your wallet as well!
6. How To Make Weight Loss Smoothies At Home?
Weight loss smoothies are one of the easiest ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet which otherwise may be boring to eat alone. However, if this is your first time juicing or trying out weight loss smoothies in general then here are some important steps that you need to follow:
a. Prepare all ingredients in advance since it takes around 10 minutes to prepare the ingredients for your smoothie.
b. Put all fruits and vegetables into a blender or juicer depending on what you want to make.
c. Add your preferred liquid like water, milk or juice if needed.
d. Blend until everything’s well mixed.
e. Pour into two glasses.
f. Store leftovers in the fridge Using these simple steps, you’ll get delicious weight loss smoothies that are healthy at the same time!
7. How To Make Weight Loss Smoothies With A Juicer?
Making weight loss smoothies with a juicer is slightly different than using just any other blender. As such, here are some general instructions to follow:
a. Prepare all ingredients in since cutting each fruit will take a while.
b. Clean the fruits and vegetables if they’re not organic.
c. Put all ingredients except liquids into a high-speed blender.
d. Blend everything until smooth.
e. Pour in a glass.
f. Add some liquid like water, milk or juice depending on your preference.
g. Mix it well.
h. Store leftovers in the fridge again Using these tips, you’ll make great tasting weight loss smoothies very easily with your juicer!
8. Common Mistakes When Lose Weight With A Juicer At Home
Losing weight is not easy especially if you don’t have enough time for exercise or cooking complicated healthy recipes. If you’re trying to lose weight with a juicer at home, there are some common mistakes that you need to avoid so you get the most out of this method:
a. Don’t juice just any fruit or vegetable before reading their properties. There are some fruits and veggies that can interfere with medications for example, so always consult your doctor first before juicing anything.
b. Don’t leave behind important ingredients like protein powders, fiber supplements or healthy fat (avocado , coconut oil , etc.) and expect to lose weight in record time because it won’t work in most cases!
c. Last but not least, don’t stress yourself out if you don’t see results immediately. Losing weight is a long journey which requires time, patience and proper diet in most cases especially if you’re starting from scratch!
9. Tips when using Juicer
Juicing can be an easy way to lose weight at home without putting too much effort into the process. After all, most people are very busy nowadays so juicing helps save time when preparing your meals for the day. If you want to make the most out of your juicer, then here are some tips to follow:
a. Don’t juice just anything before reading its properties first.
b. Drink freshly squeezed juices instead of buying canned or bottled ones.
c. Prepare everything in advance including fruits/veggies and liquids.
d. Keep leftovers in the fridge again for up to 48 hours.
e. Get creative with your recipes!
f. Last but not least, make sure you read labels when buying certain ingredients online or even in supermarkets.
10. Is juicing a good way to lose weight?
Yes, juicing is one of the easiest ways to lose weight because it forces you to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet that you otherwise might not eat for days. Additionally, juice recipes are easy to personalize so you get better tasting smoothies in less than 10 minutes!
However, if you want fast results then make sure you also change your diet plan every now and then so the pounds don’t pile up too quickly. You should also drink plenty of water when using this method under any circumstances!
11. How much weight can you lose by juicing?
Juicing can be an efficient way to lose weight but the amount of pounds you’ll lose will always depend on your current lifestyle. If you’re barely home then it might take more than a month for you to see the first results because you’ll need time to change your diet and drink freshly squeezed juice daily!
However, if you make sure to follow the instructions above AND also workout regularly ( at least 30 minutes each day ) then expect great results in less than 6 weeks without any major changes!
12. What can I juice to lose weight fast?
The best fruits and veggies to lose weight with a juicer at home are apples, oranges, pears, grapefruit, beets and carrots. These ingredients can help you trim down very quickly because they’re rich in vitamin C, B and A! However, you should always combine these ingredients with other healthy produce like lemons ( for example ), ginger root , celery and cucumber in order to get the most out of this method.
13. Is it hard to juice when losing weight?
Juicing is an easy way to lose weight fast but if you follow the instructions above then it will be problem free! You just need to make sure you add enough fiber ( wheat bran , oat meal etc.), protein ( whey powder , pea protein etc.) and healthy fat ( avocado , coconut oil , etc.) to your juice recipes in order for this method to work.
Additionally, try not to step on the scale daily because you’ll get frustrated if it shows changes very slowly! Walk or jog at least 30 minutes per day and don’t forget that drinking plenty of water is mandatory when using this method!
Common Questions Related with Best Juicer Recipes for Weight Loss FAQs
1. What’s the best recipe for weight loss with a juicer?
Answer: There are many different fruits and vegetables that can help you lose weight so it depends on what ingredients you have at home. Nonetheless, I always recommend juices made from low calorie yet healthy ingredients like carrots , apples , celery , etc. If need be, use your favorite protein powder as a base to make things more interesting.
2. How do I compare between blender and juicer recipes?
Answer: There is no perfect answer since both blenders and juicers have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to weight loss smoothies. A high-speed blender is great if you want pre-packaged drinks without pulp but how efficient is this method really?
On the other hand, a regular blender is great for making tasty drinks without pulp but you need to cut each fruit/vegetable into small pieces before putting them in the blender. A juicer meanwhile can make low calorie yet delicious juices quickly and easily using just about any ingredient ( even raw meat !) but it doesn’t work well with hard ingredients like ice or raw carrots .
3. What are the best fruits for weight loss?
Answer: You should use a variety of fruits since there’s no perfect answer here either. Even though some people say that grapefruit speeds up weight loss, I would only recommend it if you don’t take any medications because grapefruit can interfere with certain meds. At the end of the day, as long as you stick to healthy low-calorie ingredients, your weight loss results will show more quickly.
4. What are the best vegetables for weight loss?
Answer: Once again, you should use a variety of veggies to make sure all nutritional bases are covered. Most people think that celery is a great choice for weight loss but what makes celery unique from other veggies?
The truth is that it’s high water content and low calorie count makes it a good ingredient for juicing/blending! That being said, avoid adding too much of this particular veggie as an ingredient since one stalk contains about 2 calories! In short, don’t limit yourself to just one type of vegetable if you want optimal results.
5. What kind of juice speeds up weight loss ?
Answer: In my opinion, any drink you make with low-calorie ingredients like carrots , apples , grapefruits , etc. is great for weight loss because you can drink it instead of eating something more fattening! That being said, I recommend trying the recipes on this page if you want to maximize your weight loss efforts through juicing.
6. What is the best recipe for weight loss with a juicer?
Answer: As I’ve mentioned earlier, there is no such thing as a perfect answer here. What makes one person lose weight significantly faster than another depends on many factors like metabolism, genetics, lifestyle and diet habits! Although this may be discouraging at first, you do not need to give up before trying out different recipes.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should use low-calorie ingredients (see list below) and avoid adding salt and sugar if possible since these can make you gain weight very quickly!
7. What’s the best juice recipes for weight loss?
Answer: You should use a variety of ingredients so there is no such thing as a perfect answer here. Some people like carrot and cucumber juices while others prefer low calorie yet delicious recipes like grapefruit or lemon. You also refer the list Top 12 Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss above for your reference.
The key to making the best juicer recipes for weight loss is using low-calorie ingredients (see list below) and avoid adding salt and sugar since these can make you gain weight very quickly!
8. Can I prepare my own diet with vegetables and fruits?
Answer: Yes, you definitely can! As long as you stick to healthy foods and avoid high-calorie condiments/dressing, your personal diet plan will work faster than ever before! In fact, it is often recommended that people switch to low-calorie foods in order to achieve optimal results in the long run.
9. Is is safe to drink fruit juice when on a diet?
Answer: As long as you stick to healthy low-calorie fruits, drinking fresh juice is very good for weight loss! Just remember that juices are not meant to substitute your meals, but rather act as snacks or desserts during the day.
If you’re hungry between two major meals, try having glass of homemade juice sweetened with honey . That being said, if you prefer drinking water, just replace fruit juice with regular water every once in a while so you don’t get used to overly sweet drinks.
10. What ingredients can I put into my smoothies for weight loss?
Answer: You should use low calorie ingredients such as berries , carrots and spices to prepare smoothies that speed up weight loss. Just remember that you can also replace water with milk or yogurt if you want to achieve better results!
11. Can I drink juice and still lose weight?
Answer: Yes, as long as you stick to healthy components like apples and veggies, drinking fresh juice is very good for weight loss! In fact, it is often recommended that people switch to low-calorie fruits in order to achieve optimal results in the long run. You can even make your own homemade juice by using a juicer .
12. What’s the best way for quick weight loss?
Answer: The best way for losing weight quickly is the same as losing it slowly and consistently. In other words, focus on making gradual changes to your life so you can adjust better and have a sustainable weight loss plan in the long run! One great idea is switching from unhealthy snacks to healthy alternatives such as homemade raw fruit bars.
Juicing is a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs without having to take supplements. In order to help you find the best juicer recipes for weight loss, we have compiled a list of 12 Best Juicer Recipes for weight loss.
Hopefully, this will make it easier to choose which recipe is right for your needs. Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds or maintain your current figure, these juice recipes are sure to be helpful in meeting those goals! Which one sounds like it would work best with what you need?
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